The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Delaware Republican Party Files FEC Complaint Against Christine O’Donnell UPDATE: RNC Robocalls for Castle?

Posted on | September 10, 2010 | 32 Comments

What kind of campaign does the GOP establishment wage against challengers? Scorched earth:

The Republican Party of Delaware has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission, accusing one of its own Senate candidates of illegally collaborating with the Tea Party Express.
Attorneys for the state party asked the FEC to launch an immediate and thorough investigation into conservative GOP candidate Christine O’Donnell “to remedy the alleged violations and to ensure that these violations immediately cease and do not reoccur,” according to the complaint filed Thursday. . . .
The complaint alleges that the O’Donnell campaign is “knowingly accepting illegal campaign contributions from the Tea Party Express PAC.” . . .
Delaware State GOP Chairman Tom Ross offered this statement:
“Christine O’Donnell needs to immediately call upon her third party supporters to cease and desist this illegal behavior,” he said. “This type of behavior has no place in our political process, and O’Donnell should denounce these illegal ads. Donors deserve to know whether they made an illegal donation so they can demand a refund and get their money back.”

When you take on the establishment, this is what you can expect in return. And when the grassroots are asleep, the establishment becomes arrogant.

UPDATE 11:10 a.m.: Angel Clark of the Examiner reports:

The RNC has allegedly been making “robo-calls” to voters in Delaware informing people of Castle’s fiscal conservatism. Many already frustrated Delawareans are now becoming angry. They are attempting to call the RNC office today and let them know that Delaware is tired of their establishment candidate (202-863-8500).

Clark also reports: “The Tea Party Express is holding a rally tonight in Sussex County. The 9-12 Delaware Patriots sent out some of the rally information. . . . Friday, Sept 10th at 5:30 pm – American Legion Post #28, 3178 Legion Road, Millsboro.”

 Stand up and fight! WOLVERINES!

UPDATE 11:30 a.m.: Jeffrey Lord of The American Spectator talks about the Wall Street Journal and National Review as instruments of the Ruling Class. And the ever-fearless Dan Riehl isn’t afraid to argue with Glenn Reynolds.

UPDATE: Via C4P, audio of Sarah Palin’s call-in to Sean Hannity’s radio show endorsing Christine O’Donnell:

Also via C4P, Mark Levin discusses the endorsement:

Let us note that this conflict over the Delaware GOP primary finds three of the most influential conservative talk-radio hosts — Levin, Hannity and Rush Limbaugh — on the same side as Governor Palin. Think they’ll remember that? Think that will make a difference beyond 2010? Just askin’ questions . . .



32 Responses to “Delaware Republican Party Files FEC Complaint Against Christine O’Donnell UPDATE: RNC Robocalls for Castle?

  1. waylay
    September 10th, 2010 @ 2:30 pm

    Too bad for Murky, the GOP establishment was not alert enough to pull the same trick on Joe Miller. Its heartening though they — learned their lesson — are not that incompetent.

  2. waylay
    September 10th, 2010 @ 10:30 am

    Too bad for Murky, the GOP establishment was not alert enough to pull the same trick on Joe Miller. Its heartening though they — learned their lesson — are not that incompetent.

  3. Log
    September 10th, 2010 @ 2:38 pm

    It is simply amazing how the GOP will waste its resources fighting and demonizing candidates of its own party. Can you imagine what the GOP could do if it would oppose liberals rather than conservatives?

  4. Log
    September 10th, 2010 @ 10:38 am

    It is simply amazing how the GOP will waste its resources fighting and demonizing candidates of its own party. Can you imagine what the GOP could do if it would oppose liberals rather than conservatives?

  5. Kelly
    September 10th, 2010 @ 2:53 pm

    Dirty, dirty, dirty. The DE GOP website is extremely misleading too, as the headline exclaims that O’Donnell has been charged for illegal campaign activities. Makes it seem like she’s guilty. It sucks to find out that your enemy is not only th other party, but officials in your own as well. What are they going to do if she wins? Not support her? I guess this may be a pre-emptive strike against her win. If they can find the campaign guilty, could they disqualify the win and install Castle instead?

  6. Kelly
    September 10th, 2010 @ 10:53 am

    Dirty, dirty, dirty. The DE GOP website is extremely misleading too, as the headline exclaims that O’Donnell has been charged for illegal campaign activities. Makes it seem like she’s guilty. It sucks to find out that your enemy is not only th other party, but officials in your own as well. What are they going to do if she wins? Not support her? I guess this may be a pre-emptive strike against her win. If they can find the campaign guilty, could they disqualify the win and install Castle instead?

  7. wombat-socho
    September 10th, 2010 @ 2:59 pm

    Sounds like the Tea Party needs to do a better job of infiltrating and replacing the RINOs of the Delaware GOP before the next set of elections.

  8. wombat-socho
    September 10th, 2010 @ 10:59 am

    Sounds like the Tea Party needs to do a better job of infiltrating and replacing the RINOs of the Delaware GOP before the next set of elections.

  9. Standing4Liberty
    September 10th, 2010 @ 3:20 pm

    The CONSERVATIVES are being PALINIZED by the GOP.
    This is exactly the kinda stuff Sarah has endured and still does.

  10. Standing4Liberty
    September 10th, 2010 @ 11:20 am

    The CONSERVATIVES are being PALINIZED by the GOP.
    This is exactly the kinda stuff Sarah has endured and still does.

  11. nathan hale
    September 10th, 2010 @ 6:49 pm

    I think I crashed your blog with some links I placed on some other sites, earlier

  12. nathan hale
    September 10th, 2010 @ 2:49 pm

    I think I crashed your blog with some links I placed on some other sites, earlier

  13. Roxeanne de Luca
    September 10th, 2010 @ 7:21 pm

    Let me get this straight. In 2008, when Obama brought in tens of millions of dollars from illegal sources (foreigners, credit-card fraud, etc.) the RNC did nothing and just sat back. But when Christine O’Donnell gets money from a popular grassroots PAC, they eat her for lunch.

    How about someone investigates the RNC for receiving illegal funding from the DNC?

  14. Roxeanne de Luca
    September 10th, 2010 @ 3:21 pm

    Let me get this straight. In 2008, when Obama brought in tens of millions of dollars from illegal sources (foreigners, credit-card fraud, etc.) the RNC did nothing and just sat back. But when Christine O’Donnell gets money from a popular grassroots PAC, they eat her for lunch.

    How about someone investigates the RNC for receiving illegal funding from the DNC?

  15. even steven
    September 10th, 2010 @ 8:23 pm

    Further evidence that the corrupt, entrenched old guard needs to go.

  16. even steven
    September 10th, 2010 @ 4:23 pm

    Further evidence that the corrupt, entrenched old guard needs to go.

  17. Estragon
    September 10th, 2010 @ 8:24 pm

    The legal question here is: if I max out my donation to a federal candidate, and an “independent” group then solicits me for money FOR that same candidate, is that an excessive contribution in violation of federal limits?


    Roxeanne de Luca @ #7 – First, it isn’t the “RNC,” it’s the Delaware GOP.

    Secondly, if you have actual evidence of illegal contributions to Obama in 2008, you should present it to the proper authorities. Since you accuse the RNC (again! a fixation?) of inaction, is your implication that they are the enforcement agency, or do you have some secret knowledge the RNC possessed actual evidence and sat on it?

  18. Estragon
    September 10th, 2010 @ 4:24 pm

    The legal question here is: if I max out my donation to a federal candidate, and an “independent” group then solicits me for money FOR that same candidate, is that an excessive contribution in violation of federal limits?


    Roxeanne de Luca @ #7 – First, it isn’t the “RNC,” it’s the Delaware GOP.

    Secondly, if you have actual evidence of illegal contributions to Obama in 2008, you should present it to the proper authorities. Since you accuse the RNC (again! a fixation?) of inaction, is your implication that they are the enforcement agency, or do you have some secret knowledge the RNC possessed actual evidence and sat on it?

  19. SDN
    September 11th, 2010 @ 12:58 am

    I have actual evidence that Obama disabled the identity verification software on his campaign website, since I was able to make a $25.00 donation as “Donald Duck” to a credit card which had my actual name on it. I was not able to make such a donation at Fred Thompson’s, or John McCain’s after he became the nominee.

    Note that I work for a major provider of E-Commerce software. Credit card verification of name and address is a standard out of the box feature for such software; you have to deliberately decide to deactivate it.

    This evidence, and much other, was presented to the FEC before the election. They declined to rule on it until after the election, when their response was “It’s over, and Obama won, so we ain’t doing shit”. The RNC declined to participate, as usual.

    Which is why my only real hope for this country is that we start shooting Copperheads until there are none left.

  20. SDN
    September 10th, 2010 @ 8:58 pm

    I have actual evidence that Obama disabled the identity verification software on his campaign website, since I was able to make a $25.00 donation as “Donald Duck” to a credit card which had my actual name on it. I was not able to make such a donation at Fred Thompson’s, or John McCain’s after he became the nominee.

    Note that I work for a major provider of E-Commerce software. Credit card verification of name and address is a standard out of the box feature for such software; you have to deliberately decide to deactivate it.

    This evidence, and much other, was presented to the FEC before the election. They declined to rule on it until after the election, when their response was “It’s over, and Obama won, so we ain’t doing shit”. The RNC declined to participate, as usual.

    Which is why my only real hope for this country is that we start shooting Copperheads until there are none left.

  21. Kojocaro
    September 11th, 2010 @ 5:13 am

    why not go after michael steele for spending money on whores and strippers[the same?] oh ait he is black so we cant touch him because that would mean we’re like david duke

  22. Kojocaro
    September 11th, 2010 @ 5:13 am


  23. Kojocaro
    September 11th, 2010 @ 1:13 am

    why not go after michael steele for spending money on whores and strippers[the same?] oh ait he is black so we cant touch him because that would mean we’re like david duke

  24. Kojocaro
    September 11th, 2010 @ 1:13 am


  25. RINO Alert: GOP Supports RINO, Works Against Christine O’Donnell | Conservative Hideout 2.0
    September 11th, 2010 @ 1:22 am

    […] McCain has filed a report from which we learn that the Delaware Republican Party has filed a FEC Complaint against Christine […]

  26. Delaware Republican Party Files FEC Complaint Against Christine O’Donnell UPDATE: RNC Rob ocalls for Castle? #DESEN #tcot « theneointellectual
    September 12th, 2010 @ 7:47 am

    […] O’Donnell UPDATE: RNC Rob ocalls for Castle? #DESEN #tcot September 12, 2010 by RRD… Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)ACORN Whistle-blower, Anita MonCrief Filing an FEC […]

  27. Sigh
    September 15th, 2010 @ 4:40 am

    SDN – Apparently you are unaware that federal law requires disclosure of donor information ONLY for contributions in excess of $200.00. Your $25.00 Donald Duck entry does not rise to the level requiring disclosure under federal law, regardless of the settings of the credit card processing system. It seems to me that a very petty, anal-retentive Republican extremist is the type of person who would resort to such subterfuge, and the admit to it with pride in a public forum. Shame on you for contributing to the deceitful behavior that has become the hallmark of the fringe extremists in the Republican Party. By the way, there are many people named Donald Duck (real name), and those people are probably shuddering as they contemplate your deceit.

  28. Sigh
    September 15th, 2010 @ 12:40 am

    SDN – Apparently you are unaware that federal law requires disclosure of donor information ONLY for contributions in excess of $200.00. Your $25.00 Donald Duck entry does not rise to the level requiring disclosure under federal law, regardless of the settings of the credit card processing system. It seems to me that a very petty, anal-retentive Republican extremist is the type of person who would resort to such subterfuge, and the admit to it with pride in a public forum. Shame on you for contributing to the deceitful behavior that has become the hallmark of the fringe extremists in the Republican Party. By the way, there are many people named Donald Duck (real name), and those people are probably shuddering as they contemplate your deceit.

  29. John Keatts
    September 15th, 2010 @ 2:14 pm

    The GOP has made the same mistake as the Democrats made. You refuse to listen to the Voters when they told your group what they want and what they no longer wanted.
    The GOP is more Conservative then Moderat.
    Wake up of find out that you are no longer electable.
    I first voted back in 1968 and I voted Independent only because I did not kile what I seen in the Two Major Parties and I stayed registered as an Independent until 2009 when I wanted to help make a differance. I, for the first time in my life registered Republican and I have made up my mind to never vote Democrat. But that does not mean that I will vote for e Rino.
    I am a Conservative now just as I was when I voted for George Wallace in his first run. I open up my eyes when I attemped to put myself into the shoes of a Man of Color. I did not like what I had become and I maed an attempt to change my outlook on life. I now do my best to see all people as equiles.
    Where the GOP and The Democrats have gone wrong in you do not see the voters going against you. You think that the Voters are for your brand of Government. We are no longer the blind voters that you and your leadership have been leading around in the dark.
    Today even people like myself has a computer and it is mainly because of Fox News that those of us that see what is happening are doing our best to support Conservatives as far away as Delaware, Alaska, Fla and the list goes on as do the directions that we send support money.
    We are tired of Politics as Usual.

  30. John Keatts
    September 15th, 2010 @ 10:14 am

    The GOP has made the same mistake as the Democrats made. You refuse to listen to the Voters when they told your group what they want and what they no longer wanted.
    The GOP is more Conservative then Moderat.
    Wake up of find out that you are no longer electable.
    I first voted back in 1968 and I voted Independent only because I did not kile what I seen in the Two Major Parties and I stayed registered as an Independent until 2009 when I wanted to help make a differance. I, for the first time in my life registered Republican and I have made up my mind to never vote Democrat. But that does not mean that I will vote for e Rino.
    I am a Conservative now just as I was when I voted for George Wallace in his first run. I open up my eyes when I attemped to put myself into the shoes of a Man of Color. I did not like what I had become and I maed an attempt to change my outlook on life. I now do my best to see all people as equiles.
    Where the GOP and The Democrats have gone wrong in you do not see the voters going against you. You think that the Voters are for your brand of Government. We are no longer the blind voters that you and your leadership have been leading around in the dark.
    Today even people like myself has a computer and it is mainly because of Fox News that those of us that see what is happening are doing our best to support Conservatives as far away as Delaware, Alaska, Fla and the list goes on as do the directions that we send support money.
    We are tired of Politics as Usual.

  31. Tonys Take, Nevada
    September 15th, 2010 @ 9:45 pm

    The Establishment Republicans prove once again just how out of touch they are with the working class Conservative Republicans. Small wonder so many Republicans now say they relate more with the Tea Party and their votes prove it.

    When Establishment Republican candidates vote for outrageous stimulus spending, liberal supreme court judges, amnesty for illegals and for anti-gun legislation, do they actually think that they can count on my support or any other conservative? Sorry. I would rather vote for a socialist democrat because at least they admit to who and what they are. The RINO politician is going extinct for a reason and that reason is they can’t cover-up their voting records. If you vote like a democrat, you may as well just join the democrat party.

    Tea Party groups started forming in 2008 and it didn’t take long to to realize that the obvious strategy for success would be to take over the Republican Party. Precinct by precinct and county by county, the Tea Party movement is indeed taking over the Republican Party. It’s easy because the Republicans only have half of their precinct seats filled and the same holds true for almost every county central committee. It won’t take long until state parties are taken over and then the target will be the entire RNC. Watch what happens in 2012. We’re just getting started.

    The Republican Party is free for the taking and the Tea Party faithful are now doing more than standing on corners and waving their signs. They are now quietly engaging in effective action and they are deaf to the cry’s of the wounded and dying RINOs. RINOs deserve no respect and they aren’t getting any. Many good Republicans have been waiting years for the moment that Conservative Americans finally wakes-up and that time is now. They are stepping-up and taking the leadership positions in the local party organizations. It won’t be long before they take over the state and national leadership positions too.

    It’s to bad the party doesn’t hold elections every year instead of every two years. Change is coming to the Republican Party and just like the dinosaurs, the RINOs won’t see it coming. The Establishment Republicans actually haven’t evolved all that much, have they. Perhaps they will be happier in the democrat party.

  32. Tonys Take, Nevada
    September 15th, 2010 @ 5:45 pm

    The Establishment Republicans prove once again just how out of touch they are with the working class Conservative Republicans. Small wonder so many Republicans now say they relate more with the Tea Party and their votes prove it.

    When Establishment Republican candidates vote for outrageous stimulus spending, liberal supreme court judges, amnesty for illegals and for anti-gun legislation, do they actually think that they can count on my support or any other conservative? Sorry. I would rather vote for a socialist democrat because at least they admit to who and what they are. The RINO politician is going extinct for a reason and that reason is they can’t cover-up their voting records. If you vote like a democrat, you may as well just join the democrat party.

    Tea Party groups started forming in 2008 and it didn’t take long to to realize that the obvious strategy for success would be to take over the Republican Party. Precinct by precinct and county by county, the Tea Party movement is indeed taking over the Republican Party. It’s easy because the Republicans only have half of their precinct seats filled and the same holds true for almost every county central committee. It won’t take long until state parties are taken over and then the target will be the entire RNC. Watch what happens in 2012. We’re just getting started.

    The Republican Party is free for the taking and the Tea Party faithful are now doing more than standing on corners and waving their signs. They are now quietly engaging in effective action and they are deaf to the cry’s of the wounded and dying RINOs. RINOs deserve no respect and they aren’t getting any. Many good Republicans have been waiting years for the moment that Conservative Americans finally wakes-up and that time is now. They are stepping-up and taking the leadership positions in the local party organizations. It won’t be long before they take over the state and national leadership positions too.

    It’s to bad the party doesn’t hold elections every year instead of every two years. Change is coming to the Republican Party and just like the dinosaurs, the RINOs won’t see it coming. The Establishment Republicans actually haven’t evolved all that much, have they. Perhaps they will be happier in the democrat party.