The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: 9/12 DC VA Attorney General Cuccinelli Intro And Speech

Posted on | September 14, 2010 | 3 Comments

by Smitty

There are insufficient superlatives available for Ken Cuccinnelli. If you only have time for one, try “3 of 4” below. Felice is a fine speaker in her own right, offering important ObamaCare insights:

The Rousing conclusion of the Cuccinelli intro.

ObamaCare is the greatest erosion of liberty in his life. He invokes Patrick Henry.

The lawsuit is not about health care, it is about liberty. Federalism is at stake.

Look: a public official taking his oath seriously. This is an increasing trend, but more is better. Wait — is our government less tyrannical than King George III and the Parliament, or more?

Is it really going to take another year and a half to kill ObamaCare through the legal system? If the State AG is the last line of defense, then KC is your sunshine band. OK, that was a stupid joke.

Cuccinelli is the man. I still figure that, ultimately, State-level leadership is going to have to band together for an Article 5 cram-down, if we want to alter the situation in DC away from corruption. If not the actuality of such a cramdown, then the credible threat of such is about the only thing capable of getting the Beltway culture to act in the interest of the US, and not the interests of the Ruling Class.


3 Responses to “VIDEO: 9/12 DC VA Attorney General Cuccinelli Intro And Speech”

  1. listingstarboard
    September 14th, 2010 @ 8:33 pm

    Cuccinelli is freaking fantastic. Sorry to say but Palin , as awesome as she is, is a damaged brand. I have never seen a political figure that attracts more blind hatred than she. Cuccinelli is charasmatic, plain speaking, and riveting. He has the star power of a Jack Kennedy. He must be discovered.

  2. Worship Teaching Friends About Heavenly ObamaCare : The Other McCain
    September 22nd, 2010 @ 10:10 pm

    […] yeah, verily, even as much as the tax code iteslf.The chutzpah on display is astounding, given the substantial legal questions unresolved.Some think that Woodward’s new book will spell his Waterloo. Others that the PantherGate […]