The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Finally Milano Justifies Retweet Abjurations

Posted on | October 2, 2010 | 10 Comments

by Smitty

Briefly: it looks as though, in trying to work on one issue, I may have caused others. The autopsy is still out, the lesion earnedlesson learned holds constant: there is no royal road to information technology.
Kudos to Silver Logic for remarkable patience in the face of challenging customers. Certainly there are better ways to spend a Friday night than last night.
Got to get this posted and set about fishing out the rest of our bling from a backup.

Black Panther Blowback: Kirsanow ‘This Is Just The Beginning. . .Of The Investigation’

Do You Share My View That Cohen’s Ideas Are Symptomatic Of Why Progressivism Must Be Utterly Rejected?

In Defense of Doug Hoffman

VIDEO: Allen West to Barack Obama: ‘Welcome to the Jungle’

Estimate The Head ‘Splosion If Bubba Saw This

Democrats Unveil 2010 Message: ‘Hope, Change and a Buttload of Attack Ads’

About 250 Sean Bielat Supporters Protest Bubba and Barney’s Boston Blowfest UPDATE: Text of Bielat Speech Added

GOP Shocked as Sex Scandal Strikes Christine O’Donnell Carl Paladino?

Can Charles Lollar Beat Steny Hoyer? ‘Another Marine Reporting, Sir . . .’

Maher: ‘European Socialism Works’

Here It Comes Again: Senate Democrats Posture Against ‘Shipping Jobs Overseas’

Steny Hoyer Drives VodkaPundit To Do What A VodkaPundit Does

Michele Bachmann Endorses Joe Miller

Alan Grayson Is Not Scum

Scapegoating Progressive Bloggers for the Obama Administration’s Failures?

Awesome! Ace of Spades Gets in Touch With His Inner Social Conservative

Nap-Time Tales of Net Neutrality

Bill Clinton Mocks GOP Women Candidates, Tea Party Movement

MD-5 UPDATE: Charles Lollar Endorsed by Ace of Spades and Dude Named ‘Mitt’

A Deeper Meaning To Peter Daou’s Post

EXCLUSIVE: O’Donnell Mailer Slams Democrat Chris Coons on Tax Increases

Obama’s Answer On Why He’s Christian

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done . . .

GOP SCANDAL: Which Senators Are Protecting Backstabber Lisa Murkowski?

There’s Crazy, and Then There’s Crazy

    Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend?

    Death by Consultantitis (Cont’d)

    ‘White America Has Lost Its Mind’

    AZ-7: Another Democrat in Trouble, Another Excellent GOP Challenger

    In The Dictionary, Between Strychnine And Syphilis. . .

    Lessons of Failure and Hope of Success: Reflections on the Eve of a Battle

    Al Gore Answers Victor Davis Hanson

    Stupidest. Democrat. EVAH!

    Shame in a Shameless Culture

    Props to HotMES for the birthday shout. Remember, RSM himself is on Wednesday. Do him up right and link him mercilessly.
    There is your slightly abbreviated FMJRA. Got to get back to recovering the blog. See you tomorrow for Rule 5 Sunday.


    10 Responses to “Finally Milano Justifies Retweet Abjurations”

    1. Wintery Knight
      October 2nd, 2010 @ 7:06 pm

      I think that this is the Watergate of the Democrats in 2010. Blogs have to really push this like they pushed the ACORN videos and other scandals. The mainstream media can’t stay out if we keep pushing.

    2. Wintery Knight
      October 2nd, 2010 @ 7:09 pm

      I mean the Black Panther voter intimidation, the Department of Justice investigation, the Coates testimony, and voter irregularities as a whole. We really need to push this.

    3. Joe
      October 2nd, 2010 @ 8:23 pm

      This is a good point.

    4. Ran / Si Vis Pacem
      October 2nd, 2010 @ 11:18 pm

      Thanks kindly for the link. It’s you ‘n Stacy is doin’ the heavy lifting, man.


    5. KingShamus
      October 3rd, 2010 @ 8:16 am

      What Ran said.

      Also, muchas gracias Smitty. You guys rule.
