The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nancy And The Progressives Are Better Than The BHO Depression Photo Meme

Posted on | October 11, 2010 | 1 Comment

by Smitty (via DC Examiner)

This is cute satire:

Recovery Summer from RightChange on Vimeo.

Over at iOwnTheWorld, I’m somehow less enthusiastic about photoshopping the President into Great Depression photos. Sure, they were all propaganda anyway, and freedom of expression is wonderful.
If you believe in the concept of absolute Truth then please take care, as your ‘shop skills approach those of a master propagandist, that your sense of humor doesn’t turn you into that which you despise.
How about some kind of hat tip, along the lines of ‘NSFW’, to keep the humor as humor?


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