The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Canadian Conservative Blog Seeks Support Against Jew-Hater’s Nuisance Lawsuit

Posted on | October 28, 2010 | 5 Comments

Blazing Cat Fur is being sued for, among other things, linking to that notorious hater Mark Steyn. The $500,000 lawsuit was filed by Richard Warman, a former member of the Canadian Human Rights Commission Canuckistani Gestapo.

Even Canadians recognize Warman as an especially vile creature:

[In March 2009] Tribunal Chair Edward Lustig condemned Warman – who holds himself out as a human rights activist – for his membership in neo-Nazi organizations and ripped into him for his frequent anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi rants. The Tribunal effectively accused Warman himself of breaking the law – pointing out that Warman’s online anti-Semitism could quite possibly expose Jews to even more hatred and contempt. That just happens to be the offence Warman claimed he was trying to enforce. And, in perhaps the most damaging finding, the Tribunal pointed out that Warman at first did not answer questions truthfully – effectively calling him an attempted perjurer.

Blazing Cat Fur is soliciting funds for his legal defense online and by mail:

“Christopher Ashby in Trust”
Attn: Blazingcatfur defence fund
Suite 1013
8 King Street East
Toronto ON M5C 1B5

While conservatives in Canuckistan are being sued for linking Mark Steyn, here in the United States, our president is meeting with creitnous anti-social subversive menaces — and I’m still. free to call them that, thank God.


5 Responses to “Canadian Conservative Blog Seeks Support Against Jew-Hater’s Nuisance Lawsuit”

  1. Blazingcatfur
    October 28th, 2010 @ 1:35 pm

    Thanks for your support, it is much appreciated!
