The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Religion of Peace Update

Posted on | November 27, 2010 | 13 Comments

No sooner had I compiled an extensive report on the rape jihad in England than we have this headline:

Somali-American accused of plotting
to bomb Oregon tree-lighting event

Sven Olsen Mohamed Mohamud had gotten in touch with an “unindicted associate” in Sweden Pakistan and expressed an interest in anti-abortion activismviolent jihad.” So the feds arranged a sting and supplied the fanatical Lutheran Muslim with a van rigged up with phony explosives:

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, was arrested at 5:40 p.m. just after he dialed a cell phone that he thought would blow up a van laden with explosives but instead brought federal agents and Portland police swooping in to take him into custody.
Mohamud yelled “Allahu Akhbar” and tried to kick agents and police as the arrest came, according to prosecutors.

Of course, if Mohamed Mohamud and Sven Olsen were both boarding a plane in Portland, the decision of whether Mohamed or Sven got an enhanced TSA screening would have to be as random as a coin-flip. Or else the ACLU would say “Allahu Akhbar” “see you in court.”

More at Memeorandum.

UPDATE: We now have a photo of the suspect, and a report from the New York Times, which includes this stunning paragraph:

The arrest marks another episode in which Somalian-Americans are accused of radicalism. In 2009, after a sweeping federal investigation of more than 20 young Americans believed to have joined a militant Islamist group in Somalia, authorities charged two of the men with providing material support for terrorism. In 2008, another man under investigation blew himself up in an attack in Somalia, becoming the first known American suicide bomber.

Did you see that? They said “militant Islamist”! The New York Times actually referred to the Religion of Peace™ by name! That’s Change We Can Believe In.

Meanwhile, the FBI’s press release about the arrest is online.

UPDATE II: Michelle Malkin posts photos of the “broad strata of society” implicated in jihadi terrorism.

UPDATE III: The word for this is “pathetic”:

I’m not aware that any “right wing blogs” tried to “turn this into a defeat for the Obama administration” and I certainly didn’t make any partisan political references.

Michelle Malkin does make an important point when she says, “Violent jihad. Two words the current occupant of the White House won’t say together and about which he remains in stubborn denial.

But then again, Malkin also often excoriated the previous occupant of the White House — that would be the Republican, President Bush — when he rhetorically obscured the specific nature of the jihadist danger.


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