The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Herman Cain: ‘A Good Solid Conservative Who Can Get the Base Excited’

Posted on | January 15, 2011 | 24 Comments

The Wall Street Journal certainly has excellent sources:

The lack of a clear 2012 Republican presidential front-runner is prompting lesser-known figures to consider joining the race.
Instead of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney or former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, some conservative groups are looking for fresh faces and asking: Why not Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan or former Godfather’s Pizza Chief Executive Herman Cain? . . .
“We need a good solid conservative who can get the base excited, and that person just isn’t out there right now,” said Karen Beseth, a New York-based conservative blogger who is now backing Mr. Cain. . . .
Mr. Cain launched a presidential exploratory committee Wednesday, and said in an interview that he hopes to appeal to “regular folk.”

If the Lonely Conservative keeps talking to the media like this, she might become a lot less lonely! Check out


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