The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Haiku Sonnet For Sarah Palin

Posted on | January 31, 2011 | 6 Comments

by Smitty

Given a challenge by Sheppard to write a poem for Sarah Palin, and a boring afternoon meeting, I should like to submit:

Haiku Sonnet For Sarah Palin
The Palin fascination
 Infecting the news today
  Really does boggle the mind.

Is she Nemesis, some way
 Causing POTUS frustration
  The very First Teeth to grind?

Yet when she enters the fray
 Her words are pointed, but kind
  Lacking recrimination.

And so should she courage find
 Election devil to pay
  To halt a sinking nation,

The class warfare wounds to bind
 And racial fragmentation
  Refocusing liberty,

American elation
 At last will ‘hit the rewind’,
  Ejecting ‘Chicago way’.

Hence all the trepidation,
 The falsehood and the dismay:
  Visionless know they are blind.


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