The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Van Jones and Other Marxist Scum Protest Koch Brothers’ Meeting

Yesterday I told you that Herman Cain would be speaking at a conference in Rancho Mirage, California, sponsored by the Koch Foundation. Well, about a thousand smelly hippies turned out to protest the conference and guess who was helping lead them? Van Jones, the former green jobs deputy in the Obama Administration and senior fellow […]

Six Days and a Rib

Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Paradise, Alexandre Cabanel, 1863 Perhaps seeking to stir the pot in Allahpundit’s absence, Jazz Shaw put up a Hot Air post entitled, “Evolution, Creation and Politics,” to which I appended a comment: I’m a six-days-and-a-rib kind of guy — a fundamentalist Bible-thumper — because (a) the […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 1.31.11

TOP NEWS Anger At Mubarak Remains As Protests Calm Down Army establishes checkpoints to preserve order as police fade away, criminals run wild Mubarak shows no hint of caving The one person who knows what Egypt’s generals are thinking Netanyahu urges West to tone down criticism of Mubarak Secretary Clinton calls for “orderly transition” in […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Is Cairo Burning?

I don’t know about Cairo, but Soylent Green kicks off this week’s Rule 5 roundup with some stray lingerie found on smokin’ ladies. In case that wasn’t enough, he follows that up with some memorable unmentionables. Woof. Fishersville Mike brings us the Flyers’ Lauren Hart. Seems a little overdressed to me, but then it is […]

‘Regime Change’ in Egypt?

The stars appear to be aligning against Hosni Mubarak’s regime. Joe Biden’s early defense of Mubarak appeared to suggest that the Obama administration might support maintaining the status quo, but that has obviously changed with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now calling for “real democracy” in Egypt: Real stability only comes from the kind of democratic […]

Ace? Is That You?

OK, so I was watching the “Academic Vagina” video I posted earlier, and then I noticed another video from the same site. Watch it: See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Did you see the guy at the 35-second mark, playing Tekken in class? If that’s not Ace of Spades, it’s his twin […]

Pull the String

“Consider if you will, the rhetoric the left used against Reagan when he ran in 1980. I was twelve at the time, and our school was all about the election. . . . Back then, we all did the ‘Weekly Reader’ thing in school. They had us vote in their mock election, which, they had […]

Herman Cain Attends Koch Brothers Meeting, Causes Left-Wing Freak-Out

Lee Fang at Think Progress sees a conspiracy afoot: This weekend, David and Charles Koch, co-owners of the Koch Industries conglomerate of chemical, timber, oil and manufacturing interests, are hosting their twice annual meeting to coordinate strategy and raise funds for the conservative movement. . . . Among those in attendance at the meeting in […]

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