The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Wretched, Tortured Souls

Posted on | February 22, 2011 | 5 Comments

“I start to ask myself how many people do I sit near at work that have a ticker attached to a stick of dynamite somewhere inside their wretched, tortured soul. One guy I know has a combative ex-wife and a messed up kid who hit puberty and has seemingly taken to questioning why he should bother. Another has a similarly combative ex-wife and a daughter who gets used as a proxy-war battlefield in the aftermath of a failed marriage. They seem like level-headed guys who handle their personnal demons — for now.
“The economy stays bad, America seems to decline and the culture gets more corsened and raw with each passing year of movies and musical acts. . . . The Bell Curve has seemingly been dragged in the wrong direction. What’s average now would have rated disgusting in a better age passed.”

from “The Poisoning Of The Trees –- An Idiot Creates A Metaphor,” at


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