Is the FBI Watching Barrett Brown? (And If They’re Not Already, Shouldn’t They?)
One of those weird stories that just drops out of the sky: Regular readers will recall my occasional go-rounds with atheist blogger Barrett Brown, who first appeared on my radar amid the 2009 LGF blogwar and has since occasionally popped up from time to time. My status as a sometimes combatant with Brown resulted in me […]
Rule 5 SundayMonday: Ready To Go
As usual, Soylent Green manages to be first in the Rule 5 mailbox, with a post that manages to combine criticism of Australian politicos with a non-gratuitous nude photo. Don’t try this at home, kids, this sort of posting is best left to professional bloggers. He then goes on a roll, proposing a (NSFW) solution […]
FMJRA 2.0: Real As Anything You’ve Seen
Rep. Chris Lee (R-Stupid) Quickly Becomes Former Congressman In Mala Fide SI VIS PACEM DaTechguy The New Normal The Rio Norte Line Scared Monkeys Blithe Spirit Random Neural Synapses RightWing Thinking CPAC Update: Rep. Allen West Will Buy Me Beers and Also Give Keynote Speech Goldfish and Clowns The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Nice […]
Stupid Google Tricks
“Being ranked in the top 5 for something on Google and being ranked 25th or 125th can be the difference between selling your crappy website to AOL for $315 million and going out of business.” — James Joyner, Outside the Beltway The fact that a major corporation like J.C. Penney was willing to pay money […]
CPAC Ends, Media Lies Continue
WASHINGTON, D.C. This morning, I had breakfast with Ladd Ehlinger here at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel and stopped by a computer terminal in the lobby to check in on Twitter. Matthew Newman sent me a message with a link to a Politico article by Alexander Burns listing “winners and losers” for CPAC. My first […]
CPAC Day 3: Everybody Write-In Your Straw-Poll Favorite: Ann Coulter; UPDATE: Rejecting My Advice, CPAC Attendees Vote for Ron Paul, Mitt Romney
They saved the best for the final day of CPAC: Ann Coulter followed by Allen West. UPDATE: Awesome! Security at CPAC recognized me when I rolled down to the front row to get a picture. Pretty freaking cool. Ann ended her speech with what every Southern Baptist would recognize as her testimony, and it was […]
We Have Always Been The Party Of No
By Wombat This was originally going to be a response to one of the comments in Stacy’s post Hecklers In The Big Tent, but it got a bit long and complicated, so I’m going to throw this up as a regular post without all the linkagery I normally specialize in here. I think everyone is […]
CPAC Day 3: Fear and Loathing and
Tri-Corner Hats in the Kruiser Cabana
Every year, there are two CPACs: The one I attend, where conservatives get together and have a wonderful time — as at the scene (above) inside the late-night “Kruiser Cabana” party hosted by Stephen Kruiser of PJTV — and the (allegedly) divisive and controversial hatefest reported by the liberal media. How more transparently biased could the media possibly […]
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