The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Buerkle in the Crosshairs

Ann Marie Buerkle is one of 19 GOP House members targeted by a new Democrat attack ad. Wait a minute: Didn’t we just get lectured that it was inflammatory and irresponsible to use violence-inspiring terms like “target” about members of Congress? Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters: I guess it’s okay to do this 23 days after […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 2.2.11

TOP NEWS Mubarak Pledge To Step Down Not Enough For Protesters Promises to work in remaining months until elections for a peaceful transition Monster Storm Carves Snowy Path Across U.S. Heavy snow, ice stretch from Rockies to New England Australia’s Cyclone Yasi Could Destroy Even “Cyclone-Proof” Homes Could surpass Cyclone Tracy, which largely destroyed Darwin […]

Now That Obama Has Saved Egypt From Disaster, It’s Time to Blog About Charlie Sheen and Other Screwed-Up Celebrities UPDATE: Justin Bieber Video Added!

Today, I put up five posts — totalling more than 2,500 words, with four videos, two photos and 52 links — about the crisis in Egypt. I actually forced myself to watch both MSNBC and Al-Jazeera in order to bring you guys complete coverage: Egypt: Crisis Averted? Obama’s Speech: Transition ‘Must Begin Now’ Army Chief […]

Egypt: Crisis Averted? Obama’s Speech: Transition ‘Must Begin Now’ (VIDEO)

UPDATE 6:55 p.m. ET: OK, Obama just gave his speech, saying he had spoken to Hosni Mubarak and that the transition “must begin now.” Obama also spoke of U.S. support for Egypt in “the aftermath of these protests,” indicating that he thinks the protests are now in the past tense. The president looked somewhat angry. MSNBC […]

Army Chief Lt. Gen. Sami Enan Likely Mubarak Successor, Says French Report UPDATE: Mubarak Gives TV Speech, Will Step Aside After September Election

UPDATE 4:15 p.m. ET: Just watched Mubarak’s speech, which included expressions of his patriotism and determination to ensure a peaceful transition. The question is whether the protesters will accept this. Associated Press: President Hosni Mubarak announced Tuesday that he will step down in September when a new Egyptian president is elected. . . . The […]

‘The Euphoria Is Fading’

So says Donald Douglas at American Power, whose initial optimism about democraticization in Egypt has been tempered by evidence that the anti-Mubarak protesters are influenced byIslamic radicalism, and that a post-Mubarak Egypt is therefore likely to be anti-Israel and anti-American. “Likely,” I say, and to say that is not to suggest the Egyptian unrest will certainly […]

Massive New Protests in Egypt

Photo: Khalil Hamra/AP via Toronto Globe & Mail “An estimated one million people have gathered in Tahrir Square . . .  fulfilling the hopes of opponents of Hosni Mubarak’s regime who wanted to make this the biggest protest since demonstrations began a week ago. Protesters believe this could be the last few hours of Mubarak’s rule, but […]

Egyptian Mob Explains That ‘Freedom’ Means ‘We Got to Destroy Israel’

Nic Robertson of CNN was interviewing protesters in Alexandria when some of them started telling him the truth. Here’s a picture of the guy (in beard with blue cap) who really lays it out: The Blaze caught this and, as they explain, the truth-telling starts at about the 1:30 mark, including a woman who says […]

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