The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New Motherf–g Tone: Wisconsin Woman Arrested for Death Threats to Republicans

Who knew “civility” was a felony in Wisconsin? A 26-year-old woman was charged Thursday with two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts for allegedly making email threats against Wisconsin lawmakers during the height of the battle over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill. Katherine R. Windels of Cross Plains was named in a criminal complaint filed […]

Another Refutation Of The Heretical ‘Statism Is Christianity’ Notion

by Smitty (via Digg) PoliticsUSA cranks up the wretching soundtrack with “Christian Conservatives Turn Political Judas On Christ’s Teachings”, followed by an image of a button featuring “Jesus for Congress” by someone named Rmuse. No. Whoever you are, put everything down and go read any of the four Gospels, and rate the political content of […]

Question To Trump: Would You Say The President’s Possible Misdirections Are As Egregious As Your Hairstyle?

by Smitty I dropped the ball on where this came from, but now The Donald is using the M word. Mister Trump, when you’re at an important meeting, and some chicken is distracting from the important issues on the agenda, do you look at the chicken and say “You’re Fried!” or what? Questions about birth […]

When Dead, Your Emissions Go Down

by Smitty Bluegrass Pundit has Claire McCaskill sounding about 100% airhead, seemingly promoting the idea that tanking the economy provides a silver lining in the form of diminished CO2 emissions. As though sensing the Ghost of Blogblast Future in the room, she attempts to qualify her remark as ‘being sarcastic’, before re-iterating the point. So […]

The 2010 Restraining Order Sets Up The 2012 Cage Match

by Smitty No good deed goes unpunished. All the time and effort expended on the 2010 elections starts to pay off next week, as Yuval Levin reports at The Corner: Apparently the House Budget Committee will take up the 2012 budget next week, and if the early leaks and reports are to be believed, the […]

Fight Over GOP 2012 Primary Calendar

The 2012 Republican National Convention is scheduled for Tampa, but Florida is trying to monkey around and move up its primary, prompting at least two state chairmen to threaten to strip Florida of the convention. Ben Smith at Politico: South Carolina Republican Party Chair Karen Floyd today brought into the open the simmering tensions between […]

Depends On The Meaning Of ‘Civil Rights’

by Smitty The BlogProf has senior Raaaaacism Industrial Complex mouthpiece Sharpton bloviating about State’s Rights being antithetical to Civil Rights: So, the 57 states themselves are somehow evil. However, a single super-state driving the country off a financial cliff? For The Win! Al Sharpton, if it were possible for you have any greater magnitude in […]

Obama Sends CIA Into Libya Ground Operations; Andrew Sullivan Stunned

New York Times: The Central Intelligence Agency has inserted clandestine operatives into Libya to gather intelligence for military airstrikes and contact rebels battling Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces, according to American officials. And don’t you know it’s just breaking Sully’s poor little heart? I’m still absorbing this news and don’t want to vent immediately, because there […]

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