The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

STUNNING VIDEO: German Woman Confronts Radical Muslims: ‘Never Again! I Am Ashamed! … Rise Up, Germany!’

Posted on | April 24, 2011 | 30 Comments

Eric Dondero obtained and translated this video from Frankfurt, Germany, in which a woman encountered a group of Muslim men who were evidently engaged in hateful anti-Jewish rhetoric. She decided she had to speak out:

“Never again! Never again! I am ashamed that he is allowed to speak here. I feel ashamed! I am German, and I am so sorry that someone like him can stand here and speak like Hitler! I am so ashamed! Where is everybody? Why are people not standing up in this country of ours? Why are you all keeping your mouths shut? Do you want Germany to be like those countries from which they all came? Do you really want that? You have to speak out! . . . Germany, you have to rise! Rise up, Germany!”

Wow. Just freakin’ wow. This encounter apparently was connected to a Muslim rally in Frankfurt called “Islam, the Misunderstood Religion,” which was addressed by a Jamaican-Canadian imam who advocates sharia law, including the stoning of homosexuals. This video has also been posted at Atlas Shrugs, My Pet Jawa and Bare Naked Islam.

UPDATE: Linked at The Underground Conservative, Left Coast Rebel and Da Tech Guy — thanks!


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