The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#WeinerGate OMFG! @RepWeiner Gives Worst Press Conference EVAH! (Video)

I’ll add commentary and links in a few minutes. But it’s kinda superfluous after this astoundingly bad performance: UPDATE: Ace of Spades finds the video . . . arousing. The video is from Mediaite. UPDATE II: Having previously remarked on the power of simple sentences, we see in this video how Weiner fails to provide […]

The Power of Simple Sentences

Why is Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) ready to “move on” now? Some statements are either true or false. Expressing things in simple declarative sentences helps clarify meaning, so that we can either agree or disagree as to the truth or falsehood of such statements. Here are three examples: SENTENCE 1 On Nov. 22, 1963, Lee Harvey […]

New South American Drug Is Almost Enough To Make Your Head ‘Splode

by Smitty (h/t Digg) As someone who has trouble with drinking coffee without addiction, resulting in minor flu-like symptoms upon withdrawal, the notion that people cede any liberty to chemicals is weird. Sure, nicotine doesn’t affect the conscious that much, but still. And drunkenness lost its appeal over a decade ago. Beyond the drugs that […]

God Rest CWO4 Christopher R. Thibodeau

by Smitty I just returned from the memorial for Chief Warrant Officer Christopher R. Thibodeau. The 4th Aviation Combat Brigade is all over Afghanistan; he had been operating much to the south. When a fellow flyer, choking, mentioned during the eulogy that he’d found out two days prior to his demise that his wife is […]

Da Tech Guy, Da Columnist
UPDATE: While Praying Pete Is Lifted Up, Guess Who’s Still Falling Down?

Peter Ingemi, a.k.a. Da Tech Guy, has a column in the New York Post explaining why #WeinerGate can be understood in 140 characters or less. UPDATE: The contrast could not be more remarkable. Pete’s column is linked nearly everwhere — Instalanched, linked by Donald Douglas and Dan Collins, his very own Memeorandum thread — and meanwhile, […]

The AOSHQ Legal Department: Now Offering Advice to Victims of ‘Pranks’

Today, my American Spectator column on WeinerGate gave me a chance to use the phrase “concupiscent arousal.” Twenty-five years in the news business, and this is the first time I’ve ever had that opportunity, for which I’d like to express my gratitude to @RepWeiner. Was it good for you, too? My column also gave me an opportunity to use the […]

‘The Light of the World’

That painting by Charles Chambers is titled The Light of the World. Many years ago, a print of that painting hung in a first-grade classroom. But then the Supreme Court forbade religion in public schools, which meant the painting of baby Jesus had to go, and so the teacher took it home with her. Years […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 05.31.11

TOP NEWS South African President, Libya Hold Inconclusive Talks In other news, 120 officers and solders defect to rebels Zuma: No honest broker? Palin: 2012 GOP Field “Gonna Change Up A Lot” Still hasn’t decided on run; lack of announced itinerary keeps press guessing FEMA: Rental Homes Sought For Joplin Refugees; Trailers An Option Not […]

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