The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

WeinerGate: Who Is Starchild111?

Posted on | June 20, 2011 | 17 Comments

At least one reader has complained that it’s time to move on from WeinerGate, and I’m entirely willing to do so — but the dadgum story won’t stop, and stuff just keeps popping up.

This “Betty and Veronica” mystery continues bubbling. The person whom Tommy Christopher dubbed “Betty” was  “Nikki Reid” a/k/a “Starchild111,” an alleged teenage girl who was one of Anthony Weiner’s Twitter correspondents. But no one can now verify her existence, and a New York Times report suggests that Nikki/Starchild was in fact some sort of sockpuppet honey-trap conjured up by Weiner’s enemies:

I’m just throwing this stuff out there, because now that the story is past the point of purely political interest — nobody’s partisan ox is going to be gored by further WeinerGate developments — it would be rather irresponsible to ignore the remaining loose threads.

Meanwhile, I will have no comment on the former Hillary Clinton intern who how has a new line of work. While I’m sure that some readers will be eager to research the young woman’s career in . . . er, the adult entertainment industry, I repeat that I have no comment.


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