The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Made-for-TV Travesty: Can You Guess Who Takes Stormy Daniels Seriously?

One must be a connoisseur of media bias — or perhaps a glutton for punishment — to watch CNN, which I do (so you don’t have to). Do executives at the third-place cable news networks really think America craves wall-to-wall coverage of the sordid Stormy Daniels “hush money” trial inflicted upon Donald Trump by Soros-sponsored […]

Pouncing? Yes, But Also Seizing: GOP Gets Credit for Resignation of Harvard University’s Plagiarist President

Speaking on behalf of the “far right,” I must express our collective gratitude to the media for recognizing our work. Strange as it might seem, some journalists apparently believe it’s a bad thing to force the president of Harvard University to resign amid a plagiarism scandal, which followed close on the heels of Claudine Gay’s […]

Can We At Least Agree That Nobody — and Certainly No Republican — Cares About Hunter Biden’s ‘Struggle’?

Today I was watching CNN (so you don’t have to) while the World’s Most Famous Crackhead gave his little speech on Capitol Hill: Hunter stated: “They have ridiculed my struggle with addiction. They’ve belittled my recovery. And they’ve tried to dehumanize me!” “They have tried to dehumanize me to embarrass and damage my father, who […]

The ‘HotWifeExperience’ Democrat Won’t Go Away (and She Thinks You’re Stupid)

In November, we had a good laugh when Susanna Gibson lost her race for the Virginia House of Delegates after it was revealed that she had engaged in livestream sex performances as “HotWifeExperience.” She said Repubs were being creepy by wanting to monitor what teachers do in the classroom. She also said “Oh God I […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Well, this is a sad story: Fred “Bubba” Copeland was the mayor of Smiths Station, a town of less than 7,000 people in Lee County, Alabama. He was also a freakazoid, secretly pursuing transgender fantasies that he posted online using a persona he called “Brittini Blaire Summerlin.” Somehow (the details are not clear to me) […]

Despite Big Night for Virginia Democrats, “HotWifeExperience’ Loses Election

Susanna Gibson claimed to be the victim of “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family” when it was discovered that the Democratic candidate for a Virginia House of Delegates seat had raised money by performing sex acts on livestream internet videos under the handle “HotWifeExperience.” Tuesday’s election was a […]

Biggest Story of the Week: DOJ Subpoenaed Senate GOP Staff Phones

If you know anything at all about Capitol Hill, you know that Chuck Grassley’s staffer are the best investigators of governmental waste, fraud and abuse. Every year there are dozens of big stories that never would have come to light if not for the tireless work of Grassley’s staff. For many years, the ace in […]

The Biden Crime Family

For months now, Joe Biden’s defenders have claimed there is “no evidence” of his corruption. That can no longer be claimed: House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today announced the committee obtained bank records revealing a $200,000 direct payment from James and Sara Biden to Joe Biden in the form of […]

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