The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obligatory ‘Chris Matthews Says Something Stupid’ Video Post

Posted on | July 20, 2011 | 7 Comments

Richard McEnroe at Three Beers Later called attention to this yesterday:

David Corn says “the Republicans have depicted themselves as hostage-takers who are ready to blow things up and the public doesn’t like this” — which is both untrue and stupid. Pat Buchanan then attempted to defend Republicans and the Tea Party movement.

This evidently inspired Chris Matthews to re-assert his claim to championship of the Liberal Stupidity Derby:

“The whole idea is to separate this idea of ideological warfare you [i.e., Buchanan] enjoy from the need to keep the government from default. You seem to be one of the happy Indians. By the way, the tea partiers, the original ones, dressed up like Indians and put on a little show. These guys are running around burning down houses. It’s a different kind of tea party,”

Whatever you think of the “Cut, Cap and Balance” bill that passed the House yesterday, it is at least something. Obama’s got nothing, and Obama’s spokesman Jay Carney says nothing is better than something.


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