The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The United Nations: Time To Eject?

Posted on | July 22, 2011 | 28 Comments

by Smitty

PJTV still doesn’t provide embed code, but watch this interview with Larry Greenfield of the American Freedom Alliance:

Is It Time for the US to Quit the UN?

It’s great to see the issues summarized so succinctly and cleanly. My opinion is that the UN is slightly better than no UN. How, precisely, we articulate a consistent position between Team America, World Police on the one hand and Isolationism on the other extreme is the priceless question.
More subtle than that is the question of how we get along nicely with other cultures whose notion of liberty means submission to an ideology. These paradoxes just don’t generally resolve, alas.


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