The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How About That Commitment To Mediocrity

by Smitty Update: crossed out a word, added a couple to the first sentence of the second para to avoid a friendly fire incident. Insty links discussing the possible abandonment of the International Space Station. The Russkies are having lift problems, which puts them ahead of the U.S., which currently ain’t got no sack […]

“Act Now,” Says Lagarde, As In “Keep The Kabuki Caterwauling, Kids”

by Smitty via Drudge “The standard old bits of farce are losing traction on the world stage,” she was not quoted as saying, “as more people have access to information. [NSFW] 73 percent of Americans are no longer able to suspend their disbelief for our merde.” What she did say was: She called for a […]

‘Self-Appointed Republican Elites’

Nothing says “grassroots populism” quite like a column in Politico: A wave of fear has come over Washington — and it’s not the earthquake or the hurricane. Self-appointed Republican elites, fretting Hill Republicans and left-wing carnival barkers all have one thing in common: Perryphobia. It’s an acute condition, with different manifestations. But it has the same […]

Are You Smelling What He’s Stepping In?

by Smitty The mighty Iowahawk: The Politico link has some follow-up: Kay Henderson has more on this, emphasis mine: Another reporter pressed the issue, asking if Perry believes Medicare is “unconstitutional” as well. “I never said it was unconstitutional,” Perry said. “I look at Medicare just like I look at Social Security. They’re programs that […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 08.29.11

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Irene Leaves 21 Dead, Estimated $7 Billion In Damage Millions without power after the storm, but damage not as severe as expected NYC Subway Back In Service For This Morning’s Commute Damage Tally State By State Yoshihiko Noda Chosen As New Japanese PM Promoted from finance minister in Kan’s […]

Obama Beats the Hurricane?

He saved America! “I want people to understand that this is not over,” President Barack Obama said Sunday evening from Washington. “The impacts of this storm will be felt for some time, and the recovery effort will last for weeks or longer.” Wait — “not over”? But by the time it finally came ashore in […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Cuts Like A Knife

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Pagan Temple observed last week that my choice of Rihanna pics for one of the “Live At Five” posts was less than optimal, and posted what he felt was a better one. Judge for yourself, and enjoy the video. Randy’s Roundtable has the incandescent Tamarra Hey and Holly Weber, and […]

Al Gore: If You Disagree With Me About Global Warming … RAAAAACIST!

Could he possibly get more pathetic than this? When Bogusky questioned the analogy, asking if the scientific reasoning behind climate change skeptics might throw a wrench into the good and evil comparison with racism, Gore did not back down. “I think it’s the same where the moral component is concerned and where the facts are […]

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