The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

And You Thought You Were Bummed Out

Posted on | November 23, 2011 | 2 Comments

Struggling with feelings of despair? Count your blessings:

Rick Perry’s shaky debate performances have hurt his poll numbers and, apparently, the market for quickie books about the Texas governor. “I had a deal,” grouses . . . reporter R.G. Ratcliffe, “and Perry blew it.” I Love You Phillip Morris author Steve McVicker says interest in his proposed Perry book peaked in August, right around the time Perry held his giant prayer rally at Reliant Stadium in Houston, but now things are in “a state of flux.”

More bummers for would-be Perry biographers:

It may be hard to remember, but Rick Perry’s candidacy once seemed very promising to a lot of people, and book publishers jumped aboard the handsome cowboy/Bush II bandwagon — only to get off the second that everything got derailed. Unsurprisingly, this left a few writers penning “Perry might be our next president”-timed books in the lurch, and today, one of those authors, a Democrat, Jason Stanford, humorously lamented in the Texas Tribune about his turn of fortunes, and why he obviously feels conflicted. . . .
“He’s run such a bad campaign that we lost our book deal. …. People are reading Adios, Mofo and enjoying it, but its ultimate prospects are tied to Perry’s fortunes. That is, they stink. It’s selling well on Kindle, the e-book version of your band being big in Belgium. If Perry makes a comeback in Iowa, Adios, Mofo will be a different story, putting this Democrat in the horrible position of profiting from his potential success.”

Be thankful you didn’t jump on that bandwagon. And please shop our Amazon’s “Black Friday Deals Week” specials — great bargains for you, a small commission for me, a happy holiday to all.


2 Responses to “And You Thought You Were Bummed Out”

  1. Anonymous
    November 23rd, 2011 @ 8:43 pm

    Somewhere, a liberal goes without an organic latte because his “we’re sooo much better than this hick” book goes unsold.

    Yeah, I can give thanks for that. 

  2. Rose
    November 23rd, 2011 @ 8:55 pm

    Every candidate has to have a book these days, I guess. Legacy of “Dreams of my non-existent dead beat father”