The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Front Page On The GOP Final Four

Posted on | January 21, 2012 | 2 Comments

by Smitty

It’s a good thing that PJTV is pushing Alan Barton to YouTube:

The Romney income tax question gets a lot of play here. It’s a stretch to believe that an otherwise carefully crafted campaign is, unexpectedly, getting wrecked on the income tax issue.

I highly doubt there is anything surprising in Mitt’s taxes. What is useful to Mitt about this is that it walks back the whole ‘fix is in’ argument, and keeps the rest of the primaries relevant.

What’s worrisome, in the face of the #Occupy movement, is that Romney’s taxes point toward a full year of political class warfare that is both hypocritical on its face, and a vast distraction from the actual issues on which we should focus. Thanks for nothing, #OccupyResoluteDesk.

The actual Everyman candidate is Rick Santorum.


2 Responses to “Front Page On The GOP Final Four”

  1. richard mcenroe
    January 21st, 2012 @ 2:55 pm

    “The Romney income tax question gets a lot of play here. It’s a stretch to believe that an otherwise carefully crafted campaign is, unexpectedly, getting wrecked on the income tax issue. ”

    The RNC thinks a man who lost 17 elections is ‘electable.’  ‘Carefully crafted’ is not the term I would use here…

  2. Serfer62
    January 21st, 2012 @ 6:01 pm

    Any candidate that runs for POTUS must be known by his tax forms, school credentials, service records, criminal records, medical records.
    We put the nation in their trust, they have trillions of dollars to spend, millions of deicated people serving them…and we can’t see their tax forms?You’re shitting me