The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Memo From the National Affairs Desk:
‘If I Could Walk That Way …’

Chris Moody and Steven Crowder with Crowder’s haawwtt fianceé, Hillary, at the Santorum event in Grand Rapids, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 “Another Wednesday morning, another hotel room, another grim bout with the TV Morning News . . . These goddamn Wednesday mornings are ruining my health.” – Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the […]

I Am Joe

by Smitty Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher continues to be the everyman who gets roped into he limelight. Joe, like this blog, was on the Cain train, and has fallen short of endorsing anyone else for the GOP nomination. But Joe was somewhat conspicuous at a Rick Santorum event. . . Go, Joe! You’re an […]

Rule 5 Wednesday

— compiled by Wombat-socho I’m never getting another flu shot again. That’s all I’m going to say about that. Now, on with the hotness! The Regular Guy sent me a link to a Rick Santorum post, but it was lacking in beefcake or cheesecake. So, no link for you, sir! The Laughing Conservative, on the […]

Is Matt Drudge Not A Mitt Romney Fan?

by Smitty Ouch: Quite the triumph of the negative advertising will, Mitt’s 3% victory in Michigan. Alas for Romney, Rick Santorum is the leading Republican presidential contender in Ohio, according to a new survey in the state. The Quinnipiac University poll released Monday showed the former Pennsylvania senator with 36% support among likely Republican primary […]

Lefties Lack Perspective, Hence Their Gloom

by Smitty To clarify, when I said ‘my tepid attitude‘, the scope of ‘my’ was me. I suppose that I can see where, in referring to Bill, he might have thought I was attempting to characterize his apparent severe disdain for Willard Mitt. Such was never my intent. I think Bill may be daft in […]

The World’s Youngest Blogger Now Has More Teeth Than Barack’s Foreign Policy

by Smitty The dark bit to the left of the image is his first incisor. Which explains his Obama-esque attitude these last few days.

I Guess Alameda County Supervisor Nadia Lockyer Is A Democrat?

by Smitty When you’ve been this craven and this biased for this long, the default assumption is that any public figure experiencing ‘life difficulties’ must be a Democrat. Bill Lockyer is listed as a Democrat on Wikipedia. I guess the picture caption on SF Gate mentions them at a DP fundraiser. Then again, this is […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 02.29.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Romney Avoids Disaster In Michigan Narrowly edges Rick Santorum in overall vote and delegate count in home state; coasts to victory in Arizona U.N. Presses Syria To Call Cease-Fire Death toll estimate raised to 7500 Snowe’s Retirement Leaves Senate Race Wide Open A flock of candidates contends to replace […]

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