The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Perhaps Not Since Johannes Gutenberg Invented Movable Type …

. . . has any event in the history of Western civilization been more significant than the forthcoming publication of Professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds’s The Higher Education Bubble. This 56-page booklet, the 29th in the brilliant Encounter Broadside series, has been breathlessly awaited for months, in expectation that it will revolutionize our nation’s education system. […]

Rule 5 Tuesday

— compiled by Wombat-socho Left Bank of the Charles kicks off this week’s (belated) Rule 5 roundup by noticing the Obama campaign’s focus on womens’ breasts, and I don’t mean in a medical way. The Rio Norte Line shows that the Mexicans’ Federal Election Institute may not know Stacy, but they sure know Rule 5. […]

Answer: Yes. Also, Naked Celebrities.

“Is long-form journalism doomed to being subsidized by traffic-baiting animal slideshows?” — Joe Pompeo, “‘Businessweek’ editor won’t say whether they’re making money, describes the ‘luxury’ of doing long pieces“

Rutherford B. Hayes Weighs In On #ObamaInHistory

by Smitty News of #OccupyResoluteDesk’s tampering with Presidential biographies on, going back to Calvin Coolidge, is currently rocking Twitter. Also, note this brutal Tumblr feed. Reached for comment, Rutherford B. Hayes, related BHO’s record to an aromatic old saw from the South: By what miracle is Obama going to crawl out from under this […]

Was #Anonymous Busted Because of Barrett Brown’s Betrayal — or Blunders? UPDATE: Hacker ‘Anarchaos’ Pleads Not Guilty in Federal Court Appearance

By sheer chance today, I happened across an intriguing post at Ameristroika suggesting that Barrett Brown played a key role in the takedown of the Anonymous/LulzSec criminal hacker conspiracy. To summarize briefly: The indictment of LulzSec hacking suspects Ryan Ackroyd, Jake Davis, Darren Martyn, Jeremy Hammond, and Donncha O’Cearrbhail mentions an unindicted co-conspirator. There are […]

Feminists vs. Roxeanne’s Vagina

Roxeanne de Luca resents having her saintly ladyparts invoked by feminists as a political argument in service of a cause she entirely rejects: Robertson’s description of the modern left’s version of feminism [as a movement that “encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians”] is eerily accurate. […]

Dumbest Liberal in Media: Guess Who Won That Tough Competition?

It was never much of a contest, really. Perennial champion Chris Matthews scored big-time, massively failing on Jeopardy, a show that Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters reminds us Matthews has frequently cited when mocking Sarah Palin’s intelligence: In case you don’t keep track of “progressive” elite sentiment, know this: They hate Matthews, regarding him as a dimwitted embarrassment […]

Distraction Tactic Backfires: Romney Gains in Polls After Obama Gay Shift

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign strategy could be summarized in four words: “It’s Obama’s Economy, Stupid.” Romney and his aides have made clear that they regard every other issue as a distraction from what polls — as well as common sense — indicate as the main concern of American voters: Jobs, the economy and the explosion […]

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