The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Narrative Trial Balloon: Obama Reelection #Fail Due To Homophobic Americans

by Smitty The kettle of vultures circles the Obama administration, desperate to avoid talking about jobs, the economy, ObamaCare, or a raft of other historic firsts due it. How does the Administration recover from the nose dive? They’re getting wrecked on every front.  Bluegrass Pundit relates a CBS poll indicating that, inter alia, BHO takes a […]

Jerry Wilson Finds a Winner

For the World’s Silliest Feminist Award, that is. The competition was, as you can imagine, savagely fierce. Yet who can dispute Margot Magowan’s worthiness for this coveted honor? “The images promote gender stereotypes that are insidious, ubiquitous, and in this particular scene, actually dangerous.” Ms. Magowan is talking about — wait for it — M&Ms. […]

More ‘Electronica’ Than Rock’n’Roll

by Smitty This is a solid piece, reminiscent of Moby. Sorry about the ‘none more black video’:You can get a full EP on iTunes now, before these guys are bigger than Nine Inch Nails. Hopefully they never achieve the full diaper wail of Trent Reznor. And that, Mr. Sheppard, is how you pimp some product. […]

‘Having Persevered Through Those Days of Horse Drawn Computers . . .’

Oh, you were one of the lucky ones who could afford a horse to pull your computer! When I was starting out, we had to pull our computer by hand — uphill! — to work every morning at dawn, then we’d blog all day in Fortran or Cobol, using an awl and a mallet on […]

Jessica Jung: “It Falls To Me To Make Obama’s Throw Seem Masculine.”

by Smitty Via Twitchy A girl who looks like this: Throws like this:Wow, I hope that was intentional.

Separated At Birth? Einstein and Santana

by Smitty via Althouse Incidentally, one of Santana’s signature hits, Oye Como Va is actually a Tito Puente cover.

Edward Klein Was On Hannity On The Drive Home

by Smitty I had Hannity on Sirius XM while driving home today, and Klein was on, pushing The Amateur. Typically, these tell-all books don’t do much for me. Racey tales of he-said-she-said that don’t amount to much. In the segment I heard, though, Klein related to having 3.5 hours of taped Jeremiah Wright interview. Purportedly, […]

Rebecca Traister’s Idiocy: Too Late for National Offend a Feminist Week? UPDATE: She Keeps Losing Arguments With the Voices in Her Head

Instpundit brutally pimp-slaps a Washington Post columnist who evidently doesn’t understand that a succubus, by definition, cannot be “sex-averse.” Alas, National Offend a Feminist Week ends on Mother’s Day, and I didn’t see Rebecca Traister’s column (linked at Althouse) until the annual festival of patriarchal oppression had elapsed. Sigh. If only there were some good […]

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