The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Our ‘First Gay President’ Now Losing Support From Black Christian Pastors

“Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark“: A Texas pastor who once led the Southern Baptist Convention in introducing a resolution that recognized Obama’s historic achievement has voiced his displeasure with the president’s support and approval of gays, reports the Associated Baptist Press. Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, wrote in a […]

VIDEO: Jon Kyl Defends Defense

In case you’ve forgotten the debt-ceiling deal, if Congress can’t do something to reduce our escalating deficits — and Harry Reid’s Senate Democrats haven’t even produced a budget in three years, so we’re probably doomed — then “automatic sequestration” is supposed to happen, a potential catastrophe for the Pentagon: Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) has been among the Senate’s strongest […]

Is Mr. Quick Arguing Against Freewill?

by Smitty Are we really having this argument? Is it your contention that homosexuality is a choice? If so, I disagree. I would further contend that the weight of scientific evidence is on my side of the disagreement, leaving you in the position of arguing that something RSM might call a “neutral objective fact” is […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 05.14.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Greece Headed For New Elections After Syriza Party Rejects Coalition Talks Moderate Democratic Left party refuses to join coalition without rejectionist Syriza John Edwards’ Lawyers To Begin Presenting Defense Today No indication as to whether Edwards will take the stand Syrian Troops Attack Rebel-Held Town As the UN “peace […]

Much Like Professor Glenn Reynolds,
John Edwards Has a Law Degree

Having been raked over the coals on Twitter by a young blogger upset by my curmudgeonly rant, now I find Instapundit categorically disparaging the entire notion of journalism as a profession: It’s pathetic, and embarrassing. And yet they still pretend they belong to some sort of learned profession with special privileges and responsibilities, when really […]

From the Home for Elderly Bloggers: Disrespectful Young Whippersnappers! UPDATE: Ten Cents a Column Inch

Of course, I refer to Jonah Goldberg who, at the tender age of 43, is a callow parvenu — a mere stripling! a rookie! — by comparison to my superannuated 52-year-old self. Nevertheless, Goldberg is old enough to resent the pretensions of still younger punks: “It is a simple fact of science that nothing correlates […]

Germans Don’t Grasp Separation Of Church & State, Federalism

by Smitty Mrs. Other Smitty sends a Der Spiegel link that offers an external view of what remains one of the signature issues of this country, ObamaCare: Germans Can’t Fathom US Aversion to Obama’s Healthcare Reform Read the whole thing, but let me answer their section headings: System Only Works if Everyone Takes Part The […]

Really, Mr. Quick?

by Smitty Really, Mr. Quick? Smitty is running a Gay Obama item a day, more or less. I know he’s trying to hurt Obama by playing up Obama’s support of gay rights with those who think gays should have no rights at all. Hm. I can’t parse this in any meaningful way. Homosexuality, as an […]

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