Fox News Closet Case (Who’s Not Fooling Anybody) Declares GOP Opponents of Gay Marriage ‘On the Wrong Side of History’
How many “blind” items in the tabloids have we seen and knew they were talking about precious (formerly) pretty boy Shep, huh? Fox News anchor Shep Smith made his own news today when he said President Obama was “now in the 21st century” after his support for same-sex marriage. Minutes later, in a conversation with […]
Go Help the Valley of the Shadow
Joe Fein at the Valley of the Shadow blog is having an emergency fundraiser. Remember that Joe let me crash on his sofa when I went to L.A. in January 2010. Please go hit his tip jar — I did.
Hope and Change Go Gay
Predictable: President Obama today announced that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his longstanding opposition amid growing pressure from the Democratic base and even his own vice president. Of course, as Ace of Spades pointed out earlier, Obama had stated his support for gay marriage as early as 1996: Answering a questionnaire in 1996, he […]
Some Guy You Never Heard Of Wants to Be Some Woman You Never Heard Of
We must preface this with the observation that any pop music group with an exclamation point in their name is almost certainly gay: Against Me! singer Tom Gabel reveals plans to begin living as a woman in the new issue of Rolling Stone. Gabel, who has dealt privately with gender dysphoria for years, will soon […]
This Might Be What You’d Call ‘Relevant’
Remember how Liz McMillen threw Naomi Schaefer Riley to the wolves over accusations of racism? Headline at American Power: Naomi Schaefer Riley Is Married to the Wall Street Journal‘s Jason Riley, Who is Black Routine conversation at the Riley household, as imagined by typical readers of the Chronicle of Higher Education: Naomi: Honey, will you […]
Which Is Worse: Gang-Rape or Racism?
British teens must be grateful their rapists weren’t victims of racism “Individuals opposed to Party rule are selected as targets of disapproval, usually to the point of demonization. Criticism usually extends to allegations of personal corruption, wickedness, or barbarism. Terms used to vilify Party opponents are formulaic, seeming to draw from a lexicon developed for […]
‘When You Wish Upon Cthulhu
Makes No Difference What You Do
Anything Your Heart Desires
Burns In Those Political Fires’
by Smitty The Postmodern/Progressive ideology that grips the Left continues to amaze. Its only principle is power. The capacity of the Left to use various constituencies, the LGBT folks being the most recent example, in a cynical manner should not surprise. Yet it continues to be a source of amazement and blog posts. The Lackeys […]
Say Good-Bye, Dick; Orrin’s Next
Sen. Dick Lugar lost the Indiana GOP primary to challenger Richard Mourdock and it wasn’t even close: 61% for Mourdock, 39% for Lugar. The response from Republican leadership? RINO-tastic: Looking toward the November election, National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said two weeks ago that “it will probably make it more of […]
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