OMG! @ParisHilton Gets Wrongly Tagged ‘H8R’ for Talking About Gay Sex
Paris Hilton: So Rich, She Don’t Need You Political Correctness requires that no one ever say anything to hurt the feelings of Designated Victim Groups, and even mega-celebrities are not exempt from this stupid rule: Paris Hilton has been caught on tape making homophobic and derogatory statements about gay men who have random sex with strangers […]
OMG! I Thought The Obama Flag & Blood On The Wall A Tasteless Joke. . .
by Smitty CONTENT WARNING: lefties say this image “mocks American dead”… — David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 20, 2012 But no, that upper image is, unexpectedly, a sale item: Let me be perfectly clear. Obama wasn’t joking when he talked about ‘fundamentally transforming America‘. This is why I tell people: the election in five weeks […]
Obama: An Authentic Phony
Back during the 2008 GOP primary campaign — most of which actually happened in 2007 — I wasn’t yet an independent blogger, but was “a man under authority” at The Washington Times. Working on the news side of the operation, the public expression of my opinions was streng verboten, which of course didn’t mean I […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 09.20.12
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Mitt Hits Ohio Next Week Three days, six cities on the bus in the battleground state Related: GOP Senators Offer Unsolicited Advice To Mitt; Crazy Cousin John Disses Romney Critics Oh, Wait, Maybe It Was A Terrorist Attack Administration begins the slow walk back to the truth about Benghazi […]
$105,000 Worth of Champagne
What else would you expect to drink when you attend a fundraiser for the Man Who Stopped the Rise of the Oceans? President Barack Obama attended a fundraiser at Jay-Z’s 40/40 Club in Manhattan that featured a champagne tower of 350 bottles worth $105,000 — more than twice the median household income of an American family. […]
Please, Get Your Vagina Off My TV!
You know the ads I’m talking about: Lawyers seeking clients for a class-action lawsuit involving . . . um, gynecological problems: Ladies: If you’ve had a “vaginal mesh/sling implant,” please call that law firm and tell them to get those horrible ads off TV. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 19, 2012 “Vaginal mesh implant” […]
My Ill-Gotten Gains
“How he affords his Italian suits and his diamond-studded walking stick, his Ferraris, the enormous gems that glitter on his fingers, or the caviar, I will never know. Neither is it any of my business. I will never forget motoring up the cedar-lined drive to his manse overlooking the Shenandoah, and wondering how he could […]
Why Liberals Hate You
Rare is the day when I have cause to express gratitude to Matt Yglesias, but his expression of the statist view could not be clearer: The concept of “redistribution” falsely implies that the existence of property is prior to the existence of the state. #mythofownership — Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 18, 2012 Could […]
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