The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE (CDT): 09.19.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Romney Slams Obama’s Redistributionist Approach To Government Not backing down from remarks – counterattacking instead Gallup says he actually has significant support from the 47% Federal Judge Rejects Injunction Against Doc Check Provision Of Arizona Law Other three sections of SB1070 remain blocked due to federal pre-emption Chicago Students […]

E-Mail From Bert, the Samoan Lawyer

Commenting on some recent events, and quite interesting: How many of the purported Republicans and/or conservatives that have been pronouncing Romney a sure loser in the last three weeks are among those that, during the primaries, said the GOP had to nominate him because he was the only one who could win? Of those, how […]

Barack Obama At Loyola In 1998: ‘I Actually Believe In Redistribution’

by Smitty Via Director Blue, Fox News has a bombshell: Few points: Barack sounds only a little left of center here. Either he was couching his rhetoric more carefully, or he was simple less of an ideologue 14 years ago. Probably the former. His point could nearly be tolerable if “giving everybody a fair shot” […]

A Note on Bill Kristol’s
Arrogant and Stupid Blog Post

In general, the whooping and hollering over a GOP presidential candidate’s gaffe is done by Democrats. Also David Brooks and David Frum. So it was rather shocking to see Bill Kristol come out with a blog post using the phrase “stupid and arrogant” to describe Romney’s remarks. Bill Kristol calls Romney ‘arrogant and stupid’?… Kinda not […]

On the Romney Video: ‘The Q&A Didn’t Turn Out as Well as He Had Hoped’

Let’s begin by nominating Jimmie Bise Jr. for the Pulitzer Prize for Humorous Understatement. That there’s funny, I don’t care who you are. Meanwhile, in the Real 1% — the pro-Obama media — the latest furor is over a second clip from the same secret (and possibly illegally recorded) video in which Romney criticizes talk of Mideast […]

Hyperbole Help For The Telegraph: ‘Romney Singularity Threatens Space-Time Continuum’

by Smitty The spectacular implosion of Mitt Romney means a no-choice US election, emphasis mine: It is impossible to imagine Ronald Reagan saying, or thinking, that 47 per cent of Americans should be written off. He would have wanted to try and persuade those overly reliant on the state that they could be liberated, and […]

DOJ + MMFA: Ministry of Truth

Matthew Boyle uncovers an Orwellian scandal: Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder’s communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency. Dozens of pages of […]

VIDEO: ‘A Prairie Fire of Debt’

“A prairie fire of debt is sweeping across the nation. And every day we fail to act, that fire gets closer to the homes and the children we love. And rather than putting out the spending fire, President Obama has been feeding it. He has spent more and borrowed more. The time has come for […]

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