The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

@hicaliber75 — Who Knew Conservative Rap Existed?

by Smitty I really don’t get much out of hip-hop. But even the non-aficionado can appreciate this, and you may know some hipsters who are best reached through material like this: The artist has apparently fallen on harder times than most, via email from Chris Cassone: Hi Caliber (Cal) needs a lift. We met when […]

A Blog Post That @SoledadOBrien Will Certainly Never Read On-Air at CNN

You recall the Aug. 13 incident in which the CNN anchor was caught reading from the liberal Talking Points Memo — which had been e-mailed to her by persons unknown — in an interview with Romney campaign surrogate Barbara Comstock. What that incident suggested to me is that CNN has, in essence, outsourced its research […]

Anthropomorphic Lint Blames GOP

by Smitty Harry “Dingius Maximus” Reid remains among the worst politicians ever to beset this country. Breitbart: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) on Friday blamed Republicans for the poor August jobs report in which 96,000 jobs were added and the unemployment only went down to 8.1% because 368,000 people gave up, lost hope, and […]

VIDEO: Paul Ryan on ‘Face the Nation’ — ‘Offering the Country a Better Choice’

Interviewed by Norah O’Donnell on CBS, the Republican vice presidential candidate stays focused and slams home his point: “You know, what we have learned in this presidency, [President Obama] says one thing and he does another. He gave us four budgets, Norah, each of which had trillion dollar deficits, none of which ever, ever proposed to […]

If Dinesh D’Souza’s Thesis In 2016 Is Correct, Then Riddle Me This . . .

by Smitty Insty points to Polliwood, where 2016: Obama’s America is a major topic:My review of the documentary is here, but the Polliwood clip brings up another angle that has taken a while to form: if D’Souza is correct, then isn’t Obama the ueber-hypocrite for the ages? I recall reading A Peace to End All […]

Paco Summarizes DNC Charlotte

by Smitty I have never witnessed a bigger convocation of hams, gigolos, end-of-careerists, unholy rollers, decaf Bolsheviks, infanticide fans, wholesale cutpurses, mythomaniacs, estrogen-obsessed juanita-one-notes, common frauds, philanderers, race-baiters and 10th-percentile IQs as I saw on display at this year’s Democratic National Convention. If the Mental Health Association of Central Carolina wasn’t there in force, handing […]

Be Ye Not Dismayed

Smitty jumped on Dave Weigel for his “trolling” article, and I’ll let that stand, except to add that Weigel seems to be advocating that mainstream journalism adopt an even more stringently pro-Democrat “message discipline” — as if, for example, having Soledad O’Brein literally reading liberal blogs on the air at CNN is insufficient proof of their abject partisanship. […]

@DaveWeigel Nearly Discovers Capitalism, Shrugs It Off As ‘Trolling’

by Smitty Ace seems kinda irritated with Weigel’s Slate piece about “How a small band of conservatives generated half of the Democratic Convention’s headlines”. Weigel goes on at length about another friend of this blog, the mighty YidWithLid: Democrats did not expect to spend Wednesday arguing about the capital of Israel and the appearance of […]

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