The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: September Rain

— compiled by Wombat-socho Kimberlin-Rauhauser Axis Targets Romney Campaign Staffer Bill Murphy Hogewash The Daley Gator Roderic Deane The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Goldfish & Clowns Grumpy Opinions Nice Deb Just Doing My Job, Jerry Daily Pundit Hogewash Darth Chipmunk Dustbury Goldfish & Clowns Democrat Transition Into Communist Party Continues Apace Daily Pundit The […]

The Problem With Sexual ‘Rights’

“Seizing on the triumphant narrative of the black civil-rights movement, liberals adopted the habit of framing political debates in terms of minority ‘rights’ versus majority ‘discrimination.’ . . . To disagree with a liberal, to oppose his latest policy proposal, is to invite comparisons to Bull Connor and Orval Faubus, so long as the liberal […]

The French Vs. American Revolution

by Smitty Interesting piece at Ladd Ehlinger’s blog on the French Revolution. In particular: My opponent, on the other hand, made the curious observation that the Reign of Terror was a necessary step in rooting out the French monarchy. I don’t recall the exact wording, but it had something to do with the French having […]

Next Up, Olbermann Will Accuse The Sun Of Being Raaaaacist

by Smitty Twitchy helps get at the difference between amusing and funny: Hey, Dog-whistle RT @mmfa Fox hosts Chuck Norris to discuss his warning of “1,000 years of darkness” if Obama is re… — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) September 7, 2012 Keith Olbermann is like a self portrait of an artist depicting himself as a […]

Whatever You Do, Don’t Link This Video Of Illegal Alien Benita Veliz At The DNC

by Smitty Sorry, Benita. My wife is a legal immigrant. We paid in the thousands of dollars in fees, and spent a few years dealing with USCIS. I realize that being a Democrat means substituting emotional plays for the rule of law: However, I’m just not terribly sympathetic. Your non-grasp of following directions, Benita, along […]

The Sexual Predators Union

Otherwise known as the United Federation of Teachers: In the last five years in New York City, 97 tenured teachers or school employees have been charged by the Department of Education with sexual misconduct. . . . [T]he unions — believing that they are helping the cause of teachers by being weak on sexual predators […]

So What If Obama Doesn’t Understand The Economy: He Understands Power

by Smitty Via Instapundit, the mighty Klavan:This is a funny video, in particular the way the video editing underscores the government/business tax tautology. But Obama never has understood more than how to run a con. A major facet of that con has been having somebody to attack. Lacking anything to attack except his own record, […]

Domain Name Servers And You: Thoughts On Recent Intimacy

by Smitty There was a birthday party for my mother-in-law Wednesday that sort of ate the day, and Thursday we flew back from Old Europe. The World’s Youngest Blogger did really well. He had slept most of the flight over, and was in full charm mode on the way home. A bottle on the descent […]

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