The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Cherokee People, Cherokee Tribe: Elizabeth Warren Can’t Hide Her Lies

Princess Fauxcahantas, the alleged 1/64th Native American, will give a major speech at the Democrat National Convention in North Carolina, ancestral homeland of the Cherokee to whom she implausibly claims kinship. Heap big trouble, Elizabeth Warren: Elizabeth Warren can’t escape her Cherokee heritage controversy even at this gathering of loyal Democrats, as a contingent of […]

Unions Boycott Democrat Convention

Ken Binversie at explains: North Carolina has a Democratic governor, Bev Perdue, and sent its electoral votes to Barack Obama in 2008, but it’s still a right-to-work state. That means employees in the Tar Heel State are free to choose to join a union — or not. Because of this, North Carolina has the […]

Poll: Most Voters Aren’t That Stupid

Unfortunately for the Democrats: A majority of voters believe the country is worse off today than it was four years ago and that President Obama does not deserve reelection, according to a new poll for The Hill. Fifty-two percent of likely voters say the nation is in “worse condition” now than in September 2008, while […]

In Which I Confess Confusion

by Smitty One of those bits of ‘Dude Wisdom’ is that you don’t try to figure women out. No good can come of the effort. Relax, become comfortable with the unfathomability. But still. . . the picture above seems so contradictory. The entire slut ethos would seem to be about pure, present-tense carnal release. Hedonism […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 09.04.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Louisiana, Mississippi Face Grueling Task Of Rebuilding In Dangerous Heat Heat indexes over 100 impede recovery from Isaac’s damage Wildfire In Angeles National Forest No damage to LA, but park closed to thousands of visitors DNC Begins 0-23 million President goes into huddle in Charlotte POLITICS California Democrat Chief […]

New Ad From AFP Features Victim of Canada’s Socialized Medicine System

Americans for Prosperity has just released this new TV ad that will air in key swing states, slamming Obamacare: From the AFP press release: The ad . . . is backed by a $6.2 million TV total buy in 11 key states including: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, […]

Leave Barack Obama a Loan!

by Smitty Via Insty, this is funny, but only if you get the reference, which I’ll put below: Reference (NSFW, potty mouth): In defense of Britney, her net negative effect on Western Civilization is a couple of orders of magnitude less than that of #OccupyResoluteDesk.

Nancy Pelosi Is Right: Barack Obama Was A Job Creator. . .

by Smitty (via Breitbart) . . . if you consider regulatory compliance positions that don’t actually add to any company’s actual, you know, product as ‘jobs’: As I was saying on Twitter the other night: #HowToPissOffADemocrat Say “Dude: until further notice, everything said by the Left is assumed false until proven true.” — Chris Smith […]

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