#EmptyChairDay : Angry?
by Smitty The European Desk is surfing the jet lag at 0300 and catching up on the RSS feed. I’ll see if I can find some piece of European furniture and some free WiFi to support Empty Chair Day. In case of furniture failure, how about some Alice in Chains? “Saw my reflection and cried […]
Commies for Obama
While Obama is officially the candidate of the Democrat Party, he’s also got the endorsement of the Communist Party: Re-electing Obama is not sufficient to bring economic recovery or even relief to our people. Only a different class configuration in political power can do necessary minimum reforms to give us a chance. But re-electing Obama […]
Just Doing My Job, Jerry
My friend Jerry Wilson at Goldfish and Clowns seems to have taken personally my failure to respond to his writings, and that’s OK. Neglectfulness is a problem with me and when I’m on the road, the problem is compounded. In case you didn’t notice, I spent the past week in Tampa at the Republican National Convention […]
Sticky Political References
by Smitty Bill Quick points to the maple syrup story in the great white north, and figures that the 15k barrels suddenly ‘missing’ from a Canadian warehouse were never filled in the first place. In the age of politics in everything, let me be the first to point out what an excellent metaphor we have […]
#EmptyChairDay : 100-Year Plant, Or 1000-Year Gripe?
by Smitty Via Soopermexican, #OccupyResoluteDesk gets hoisted on his own petard again, leaving the chair at the Resolute Desk abandoned. This blog awaits the accusers who said that VP nominee Paul Ryan was ‘misleading‘ to allow that Ryan was relating not only what Obama said in a straightforward manner, but also capturing the messianic thrust […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Like A Rock
— compiled by Wombat-socho For the benefit of those reading Rule 5 compilations for the first time, or who have forgotten since last time: some of the links below are most definitely Not Safe For Work and could contribute to the pollution of your precious bodily fluids. Laughing Conservative leads off this week with Rhian […]
Labor Day Administrivia/Open Comments Thread
by Wombat-socho I’m taking tomorrow off and sleeping in. Live At Five will resume Tuesday, September 4. We don’t usually have open comment threads here, so enjoy this one while you have it.
Breitbart in February: ‘You Want a Unity Speech? I’ll Give You a Unity Speech.’
FLORENCE, South Carolina Back in February at CPAC, Andrew Breitbart gave a speech in which he called for unifying conservatives to defeat the Left: Anyone that’s willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker, and if you’re not in that bunker ’cause you’re not satisfied with […]
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