The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Dominican hookers, to be specific. This is what we’re hearing about the sex scandal involving a “powerful senator” in a headline being touted by Drudge, with a story by the Daily Caller promised late tonight. UPDATE: Shortly after the Drudge Report headline went up, my associate Ali Akbar got a tip that the story involved Sen. […]

Unborn People With An Interest In Life May Have A Conflict With Eric Holder

by Smitty Workin’ hard, tryin’ to muster some surprise: Just cleared in the “Fast and Furious” gunrunning debacle, the nation’s top lawman now faces allegations that his connection to Dr. Tyrone Cecil Malloy is a conflict of interest that helps explain Holder’s failure to prosecute abortion providers who run afoul of federal law. Critics say […]

@bobby_knuckles Brings The Funny

by Smitty Some lefty weenie named ‘Bobby Knuckles’ (after that which he drags?) bethinks himself a comic: @smitty_one_each… — bobby knuckles (@bobby_knuckles) October 31, 2012 (Click for full size–UPDATE: or, indeed, to view it, as somebody has their laundry in a bunch over what amounts to pure piffle.) As a part of this blog’s […]


Ann Romney (center) with Jane Portman and Cindy McCain HAMILTON, Ohio At the Vinylmax window factory here, about 150 Republicans — mostly women — gathered for an event with Ann Romney, who was joined by Jane Portman (wife of Ohio Sen. Rob Portman) and Cindy McCain (about whose senator husband and celebrity daughter, we will politely say nothing). […]


CINCINNATI, Ohio Pete Da Tech guy disassembles a Quinnipiac Poll that has samples of D+7 in Florida and D+8 in both Florida and Ohio, so that while Mitt Romney handily wins independent voters in both states, he nonetheless trails Obama by 1 point in Florida, 2 points in Virginia and 5 points in Ohio. These […]

Shorter Gingrich: ‘Benghazi Fertilizer On Collision Course With The Air Circulator’

by Smitty   “There is a rumor — I want to be clear, it’s a rumor — that at least two networks have emails from the National Security Adviser’s office telling a counterterrorism group to stand down,” Gingrich said. “But they were a group in real-time trying to mobilize marines and C-130s and the fighter […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 10.31.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS East Coast Looks To Rebuild After Sandy Millions without power, NYC flooded Preference Cascade In Effect, Y’all: Romney Heads Into Democratic Strongholds Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania in play Disney Buys LucasFilms For $4 Billion Star Wars VII in production POLITICS Globe Poll: Dead Heat In Massachusetts Senate Race Brown leads […]


George and Rosemary Cullen of Clermont County, Ohio CINCINNATI, Ohio For the past two days, Ali Akbar and I have been talking to Americans for Prosperity about their grassroots organizing effort here in Ohio. We visited their Columbus office Monday night, talked today to AFP’s Ohio state policy director, Seth Morgan, and drove down here to […]

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