The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | February 16, 2013 | 10 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Media Embargo Slowly Crumbling on Jennifer McKenna Morbelli’s Death

Stormfront for Liberals: The New Republic

CNN Anchor Deb Feyerick Apparently Thinks Global Warming Causes Asteroids

Carhart Victim Identified: N.Y. Woman Sought Abortion for ‘Fetal Abnormalities’

Corrupt Thought Studies, Holder Edition

HOOAH! Army Training Update

FMJRA 2.0: Turning Japanese

Matthew Hoffman: The Ohio Man Who Loved Trees … and Also Murder and Rape

The Brooks/Parker Cage Match

Finally: Washington Post Covers Death of Woman at Maryland Abortion Clinic

Rule 5 Sunday: “Who Gives A F*** About A G*ddamn Grammy?”

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.11.13


‘And the Grammy Award for Most Implausibly Enhanced Cleavage …’

How Many More Women Will Die Before Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Is Stopped?

Despite Death in Carhart Clinic, Fanatics Want To Open Abortion Clinic In Wichita

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.12.13

ObamaPhone Boondoggle Update

Why Does @BridgetteDunlap Want to Suppress the Truth About Abortion?

Maryland Attorney General Investigates Abortionist Linked in Woman’s Death

UPDATE: Crazed Ex-Cop Chris Dorner Believed Dead After Cabin Catches Fire

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.13.13

‘Charred Human Remains’

They Buried Jennifer Morbelli Today

Obama’s Amazing Bullshit Factory

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.14.13

Liberals Outraged Like It Was a Bad Thing for Hillary to Have Sex With Animals

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Charged With Deranged Cyberstalking

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.15.13

It’s Time to Play ‘Name That Party!’

Meet @BridgetteDunlap, Fordham’s Campus Commissar of ‘Human Rights’

‘Corrupt Democrat,’ ‘Obnoxious Feminist’ and other Phrases To Avoid as Redundant

Top linkers this week:

  1. Rick’s Rants (15, the hard way)
  2. The Camp of the Saints (8)
  3. That Mr. G Guy (6)
  4. The Lonely Conservative (5)

Thanks to everyone for the linkagery! Deadline to submit links to next week’s FMJRA is Friday, February 22.


10 Responses to “FMJRA 2.0: #WARRIORS”

  1. Mike G.
    February 16th, 2013 @ 9:19 pm

    Hmmm, made it by the skin of my teeth.

  2. notquiteunBuckley
    February 17th, 2013 @ 12:10 am

    Someone I care deeply for; and always will love, and owe my life and my happiness and joy to, is now in Alabama near Gulf Shores. Perhaps unexpectedly alone.

    I think, but my memory is foggy today.

    Her friend whom she came to see is not well.

    What is to do there, wind and all, for a nature-loving good-time-making best-of-all-worlds Packers fan who happens to disagree with me on politics to the point of mutual refusal (refrussian?) to talk about it so we all stay happy?

  3. notquiteunBuckley
    February 17th, 2013 @ 12:13 am

    Some things a man does write with tears in his eyes.

  4. Wombat_socho
    February 17th, 2013 @ 12:54 am

    Well, definitely not politics. Baseball, maybe?

  5. notquiteunBuckley
    February 17th, 2013 @ 2:31 am

    Like a little-leauger happy to little leauge, misspellings happen.

  6. notquiteunBuckley
    February 17th, 2013 @ 2:36 am

    Wanting traffic, even if via me, I honor your wishes.

    For now.

  7. Jesus F. Christ
    February 17th, 2013 @ 7:57 am

    And then Jesus said, “Berthren, I fear that I must tell you that I have sinned. I have imagined myself fucking the asshole of Rihanna. And it was good. Damn good. And my Son of God cock was hard as a rock as I masterbated to this sweet dream and shot a wad the size of Jerusalem. Brethren, please forgive my weak, sinfull cock. When you pray for your salvation from my fathers terrible wrath, please keep my sinfull cock in your thoughts. Amen”–Jesus H. Chirst, your horny Savior

  8. ConMom
    February 17th, 2013 @ 9:43 am

    […] by The Other McCain in FMJRA 2.0:  #Warriors – […]

  9. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    February 17th, 2013 @ 9:44 am

    […] Other McCain Full Metal Jacket. And how about Live At 5. And Rule 5 Sunday! (last […]

  10. WWE and Politics: Something of a Swagger - Lowering the Boom
    February 20th, 2013 @ 11:12 pm

    […] was talking with bonafide WWE fanatic and undeniable reigning champion of The Other McCain‘s Rule 2 contest, Rick Bulow. He was surprised by the extreme reaction of conservatives to the appearance on WWE RAW […]