The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Where the Brett Kimberlin Story Started UPDATE: Neal Rauhauser’s ‘TwitterGate’

Today, I found myself scratching my head at accusations made by liberal blogger Matt Osborne to the effect that the Brett Kimberlin story is actually about Kimberlin’s enemies: Correspondents like Robert Stacy McCain and Lee Stranahan lack any journalistic integrity, however, which is why they spew these fables at high volume and then insist they […]

#BetterJobsForJohnMcCain Twitter Hash Butt

by Smitty UPDATE: Oh, and this is why => John McCain Says He Might Support Hillary over Rand Paul in Possible 2016 Race …Ambassador Stevens Unavailable For Comment Ol’ Senator Decades-past-sell-by-date sure is feeling the love on Twitter tonight: #BetterJobsForJohnMcCain Jane Fonda's chauffeur — Smitty, JokeCracka (@smitty_one_each) August 1, 2013 #BetterJobsForJohnMcCain Mayor of Detroit — […]

World’s Youngest Blogger: Fear Fast-Food Future? Fuhgeddaboudit!

World's Youngest Blogger: I, for one, welcome my paper-hatted future career. Thanks, BHO! — Smitty, JokeCracka (@smitty_one_each) July 31, 2013

Why Isn’t Craig Richard Gillette’s Name on the Maryland Sex Offender Registry?

As we now know, Craig Richard Gillette pleaded guilty to a federal child pornography charge in 1999. One would think such a conviction would require Gillette, a spokesman for Brett Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project, to register as a sex offender. Yet a search of the Maryland Sex Offender Registry does not show a listing […]

OMFG: Did Brett Kimberlin’s Buddy Cop a Plea on Child Pornography Charges?

Craig Richard Gillette was detained by bailiffs after Tuesday’s Maryland hearing where Tetyana Kimberlin was granted a protective order against her estranged husband Brett Kimberlin. Gillette has long been associated with Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project. It was Gillette who showed up outside this year’s CPAC “Blog Bash” to photograph the bloggers in attendance. […]

Intern Blows Up Weiner Campaign; Spokeswoman Stays Classy: ‘F–king C–t’

Anthony Weiner spokeswoman calls ex-intern "f–king twat," because … PROGRESSIVE! #p2 #Slutbag #WarOnWomen — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 31, 2013 It’s been all over the blogosphere, so you probably know the story by now: A former intern for the Anthony Weiner mayoral campaign named Olivia Nuzzi wrote a column for the New York […]


— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Zimbabwe Votes In Third Mugabe-Tsvangirai Showdown Allegations of vote rigging, fraud already shadowing election Student Abandoned In DEA Cell Gets Paid Off By Feds Left for four days without food or water, Daniel Chong to get $4.1 million in settlement Rush Limbaugh: The Republican Party Wants A New Base […]

A Dozen Short Points On The Big Picture

by Smitty I’d just like to respond to a variety of my good interlocutors, briefly, on a swath of topics. Social: Life: begins when the information that defines you is available: conception. You own your own greatness, or not. You don’t own the non-greatness of others. Gender: is defined by chromosomes. Become the best male […]

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