The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Did Neal Rauhauser Lie?

Because the previous post strung out to 1,500 words — highlighting Neal Rauhauser’s role in the harassment of Mike Stack — I neglected to ask an important question about Rauhauser’s June 2, 2011, “Stranded Wind” post at Daily Kos: Why did Neal tell this lie? Congressman Anthony Weiner was stalked, set up, smeared, and this […]

It’s Halloween: Does the FBI Know Where Kimberlin Associate Neal Rauhauser Is?

“Congressman Anthony Weiner was stalked, set up, smeared, and this was coordinated to protect Clarence Thomas from scrutiny.” — Neal Rauhauser (“Stranded Wind”), Daily Kos, June 2, 2011 “We’re getting in position to drive part of the narrative for the Occupiers. . . . “3. Next steps with this will include some of the following […]

The Old ‘Ongoing Investigation’ Trick Is Being Used to Hide Benghazi Truth

The Lonely Conservative: The cover up continues. The State Department and the DOJ are blocking Congress from having access to survivors of the Benghazi attack. They blame it on the ongoing investigation. This is a very familiar method of truth-suppression in D.C.: “I can’t comment because of the ongoing investigation.” Understand that when the federal government […]

IRS Leaker ID’d; Confidential Information Given to 2007 Harvard Graduate UPDATE: Gay ‘Diversity’ Program

Eliana Johnson of National Review reports that congressional investigators have identified the Internal Revenue Service employee who leaked confidential information about donors to the National Organization for Marriage. Federal rules forbid the leaker’s name being made public, but we know to whom the information was leaked: [A]n IRS agent working in the Exempt Organizations Division […]

A Petty Criminal

Bryan Sweatt of South Carolina: Sweatt has a lengthy arrest record that dates back nearly a decade, according to state police records. Most of his charges were related to property crimes, such as burglary or forgery, although he was arrested once on aggravated assault charges. How many times have I pointed out that those who […]


— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Red Sox Nation Unites In Joy: “This Is Our City” Sox Top Cards 6-1 As Lackey Dominates Third title since 2004 caps worst-to-first season France Rejects NSA Denials As “Implausible” NSA Uproar Could Spark Changes Not Seen Since 1970s “Contrite” White House Spurns Health Law’s Critics Obama defends #AbominableCareAct […]

Bill Schmalfeldt Lies to @SilverbergDave: Failure and the Exact Opposite of Truth

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) “Bill Schmalfeldt doesn’t have principles. Bill Schmalfeldt doesn’t have values. Bill Schmalfeldt doesn’t have beliefs. Bill Schmalfeldt has enemies, and then nothing, a black and dank and empty void of sullenness.” — Ken White, Popehat, Aug. 6 Arguing with a sociopath is generally a waste […]

Elizabeth Plank (@feministabulous) Proves She Is a Special Kind of Stupid™

Why are so many female journalists like Margaret Wente using their voice to reify rape culture, instead of criticizing it? — Elizabeth Plank (@feministabulous) October 22, 2013 It was not my plan to write about Elizabeth Plank today because, until about 2 p.m., I’d never even heard of this particular idiot, but then a commenter […]

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