The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Plagues of locusts! Darkness at noon! Rivers of blood! Auburn beat Alabama! — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 1, 2013 Being an Alabama fan means expectations so high as to be, objectively, unrealistic. It is impossible that the Crimson Tide could have undefeated seasons and national championships every year. Yet anything short of perfection is […]

FMJRA 2.0: Riding With The King

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Crisis of the Obama Cult The DaleyGator The DaleyGator Da Tech Guy Batshit Crazy News Dead Citizens Rights Society Preppers Universe Regular Right Guy Weird NY Times Column: Not Supporting ObamaCare Is Slavery or Something The DaleyGator Lonely Conservative Preppers Universe Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots A View From The […]

‘Suck It, Capitalist-Hating Leftists’

So says Professor Donald Douglas in reporting the success of after-Thanksgiving “Black Friday” sales. My wife and daughters went to the stores for their traditional all-day bargain-hunting expedition yesterday, but here’s my favorite quote of the day: Nancy Ketchen of Scotia, N.Y., stayed true to her family tradition of bringing her daughters to the Crossgates […]

‘I’m Not Some Whack Job,’ Says Jailed Alabama Blogger Roger Shuler

Roger Shuler, Shelby County Jail inmate No. 288928 Popehat’s last update on the case carried this headline: Alabama Court, Roger Shuler Continue To Thwart Roger Shuler’s First Amendment Rights The man is his own worst enemy. Even if you wanted to help a guy who had claimed that a federal judge once posed for a porn […]

How Desperate Is Sydney Leathers to Extend Her 15 Minutes of Infamy?

It is rather quaint to remember that when Sydney Elaine Leathers was first identified as the former Obama campaign worker involved in a cybersex scandal with Anthony Weiner, some were reluctant to publish her name, seeing her as the victim of a predator. Yeah. Except she’s a tattoo-covered slut who rented herself out to old […]

The CIA, JFK and Clay Shaw: Paranoia and the Conspiratorial Worldview

Lee Harvey Oswald, arrested after an August 1963 pro-Castro protest Why did Jim Garrison indict Clay Shaw for conspiracy? It was as ridiculous as it was simple: In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald consulted a New Orleans attorney, Dean Andrews, to see if he could do something about his undesirable discharge from the Marine Reserves. “Andrews […]

Helping Dr. Helen Sort All This Out

by Smitty Let’s lay down a few Lefty assertions that, while not absolutely true, may have some explanatory power: The federal government, staffed with ‘officials’ and ‘experts’, is your parent. You are a sheep, lacking free will, and are a sort of hormonal robot. You are a guilt-free slut-o-matic, or dildo with feet, and should […]

The Crisis of the Obama Cult

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) Ace nailed it the other day: [T]he Liberal Chattering Classes are facing a question now: “Will my reputation and sense of pride survive Obama’s incompetence?” And: “How absurd am I willing to make myself in order to cover up for this arrogant buffoon’s incompetence?” Some […]

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