The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Taylor Palmisano Hates Her Some F**king Mexicans, and Loses Her F**king Job

Posted on | December 3, 2013 | 55 Comments

This is unfortunate in several ways:

Taylor Palmisano is having a bad week.
First, she wrote a fundraising email that was widely mocked for being tone deaf and weird. It recommended parents skip buying presents for their kids on Black Friday and send the money to the Walker campaign instead. That was bad.
Next, according to a report from Daniel Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Palmisano finds herself on the chopping block for a couple of racist tweets she sent from her personal Twitter account years ago. That’s even worse.
The first of the tweets in question, sent out in January of 2011, reads: “This bus is my worst fucking nightmare Nobody speaks English & these ppl don’t know how 2 control their kids #only3morehours #illegalaliens.” The second tweet, sent in March of 2011, reads: “I will choke that illegal mex cleaning in the library. Stop banging fucking chairs around and turn off your Walkman.”

And now the worst part:

“Taylor Palmisano has been immediately removed from her position with the Friends of Scott Walker campaign,” said spokesman Jonathan Wetzel. . . .
Palmisano shut down her Facebook account and Twitter account on Tuesday.

She shut down her Twitter account? No!

She could have been a folk hero — a social media legend!

Also, Scott Walker could have used her for his widely anticipated 2016 presidential campaign staff. Trust me, there are plenty of GOP caucus voters in western Iowa who, while perhaps not sharing her enthusiasm for f-bombs, certainly share Taylor Palmisano’s sentiments about busloads of illegal aliens who don’t speak English.



55 Responses to “Taylor Palmisano Hates Her Some F**king Mexicans, and Loses Her F**king Job”

  1. Henry Audey
    December 5th, 2013 @ 5:22 pm

    At least she didn’t shoot them…that’s an improvement.

  2. smora8896
    December 6th, 2013 @ 12:34 am

    RT @rsmccain: Taylor Palmisano Hates Her Some F**king Mexicans, and Loses Her F**king Job

  3. MarneyJones
    December 8th, 2013 @ 12:03 am

    This makes SIX convicted felons and TWO confirmed racists/bigots that make up Republican Gov Scott Walker’s closest staffers and associates. Presidential material? I think not. He’s not even gubernatorial material. He’s just dropout that left college three months before graduation under “suspicious” circumstances. He’s a bad egg. As in rotten egg.

  4. MarneyJones
    December 8th, 2013 @ 12:05 am

    So…you’re *into* his forced vaginal probes, eh, MNHawk?

  5. MNHawk
    December 8th, 2013 @ 8:50 am

    Did I mention the government employee union trash, that tends to attract psycho stalkers.

    Get help.
