The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Warning From Sweden

Sweden has a population of about 10.5 million, or about the same as the state of North Carolina. Twenty years ago, you had to seek out “far right” sources (which, of course, I did) to learn anything about the problems caused by immigration in Sweden. Many of the atrocity tales came from the city of […]

Maryland Sheriff Blasts Biden: ‘We Are 1,800 Miles Away from the Southern Border Here in Harford County and the American Citizens Are Not Safe Because of Failed Immigration Policies’

Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was found murdered in August 2023 on a hiking on a trail near Bel Air, Maryland. That’s north of Baltimore, up near the Pennsylvania border, in Harford County, a Republican bastion that hasn’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964. On Saturday, the county’s Republican sheriff, Jeffrey […]

Amid Tsunami of Illegal Immigration, ICE Brags About Deporting One Criminal

First, here’s the agency’s press release: ERO Baltimore arrests noncitizen wanted by Dominican authorities for manslaughter Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Baltimore apprehended a Dominican national wanted in his home country for manslaughter. Deportation officers from ERO Baltimore’s Fugitive Operations Team arrested the 27-year-old noncitizen at his residence in Baltimore May 23. “This Dominican national […]

Illegal Alien From Eritrea on Terror Watch List Arrested in Gates County, N.C.

Do you remember the uproar in 2018 when Donald Trump reportedly referred to Haiti and certain African countries as fecal depositories? Of course, he was accused of using more blunt language than that, but the point is that he allegedly made this remark in a discussion with Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin about a “bipartisan […]

Joe Biden’s Policy Gets a College Girl Killed, But White Lives Don’t Matter

Since Joe Biden took office, millions of illegal aliens have been released into the United States. This is not an accident. This is Biden’s policy. Americans are literally being killed by this policy: A Venezuelan illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged for the murder of Laken Riley, a nursing student who was found dead […]

Alvin Bragg and the Biden Agenda

Everybody is outraged by this story: Four migrant men charged with felonies in an attack on two New York City Police Department officers [Jan. 27] outside a migrant shelter are en route to a California town near Mexico after they were released from custody and given bus tickets by a faith-based charity, a senior law […]

Chicago Mayor Goes Full Jussie Smollett, Blames ‘Right-Wing Extremism’ for City’s Migrant Crisis: ‘They’re Still Mad That a Black Man Is Free in This Country’

Everybody remembers the crazy storyline from January 2019: In the wee hours of a Tuesday morning in Chicago, actor Jussie Smollett claimed he was returning from a trip to a Subway sandwich shop when he was attacked by two white men wearing “Make America Great Again” caps, who shouted racist and homophobic slurs, poured bleach […]

Geert Wilders Wins; Left Freaks Out

Stunning news this week from the Netherlands: Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV) have swept to a stunning victory in Dutch elections, with exit polls predicting that his populist anti-mass migration party will become the largest force in the House of Representatives in the Netherlands. . . . Performing in a way that […]

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