Illegal Alien From Eritrea on Terror Watch List Arrested in Gates County, N.C.
Posted on | March 22, 2024 | Comments Off on Illegal Alien From Eritrea on Terror Watch List Arrested in Gates County, N.C.

Awet Hagos was arrested in North Carolina
Do you remember the uproar in 2018 when Donald Trump reportedly referred to Haiti and certain African countries as fecal depositories? Of course, he was accused of using more blunt language than that, but the point is that he allegedly made this remark in a discussion with Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin about a “bipartisan compromise” involving so-called “Dreamers,” which would have involved ending the visa lottery. Trump asked what a lot of common-sense Americans would have asked, i.e., why are we taking in people from the most wretched places on the planet, rather than from, say, Norway? (Trump had recently met with the Norwegian prime minister before the discussion with Durbin.) Because Democrats have no answer for such an obvious question, they responded by denouncing Trump as a “RAAAAACIST“! Now that Joe Biden is in the White House, common-sense people have more questions:
How Did A Migrant
On The FBI’s Terrorist Watch List
Get To North Carolina?
Probably the answer is, when you just stop enforcing immigration law completely — as the Biden administration seems to have done — and throw the doors open to millions of foreigners without limit, a certain percentage of those arrivals will be, shall we say, problematic.
And this guy from Eritrea is very problematic:
An illegal migrant, who was taken into custody following a barricade shooting incident in North Carolina, was allegedly found to be on a terrorist watch list and had been living in the area for six months.
According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 32-year-old Awet Hagos is a citizen of Eritrea, a small country on the coast of Northeast Africa.
Immigration officers said that Hagos entered the U.S. illegally after residing in Haiti and had been living in North Carolina for the last six months.
After running Hagos’ fingerprints, authorities allegedly found that he was on the terrorist watch list.
Gates County Sheriff’s Office said that they were first alerted to Hagos when a barricade incident unfolded at a Quick Stop gas station.
Police said that on Monday, March 11, at approximately 6:40 p.m., deputies responded to reports of gunfire.
Local authorities, along with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, attempted to take Hagos into custody, but he became “extremely combative” and attempted to disarm a deputy of their firearm.
After the altercation, police said that Hagos fled into his home and led police on a four-hour standoff.
Hagos was eventually safely taken into custody and charged with three counts of assault on a government official, three counts of resisting a public officer, and one count of carrying a concealed weapon.
Hagos was placed under a $100,000 secured bond and transported to Albemarle District Jail.
Following reports that Hagos was an illegal migrant and on the terrorist watchlist, three Republicans, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who is running for governor, Senate leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore, wrote a letter to President Joe Biden.
The leaders demanded that Biden provide more information about Hagos and details about his alleged terrorist activity.
“Our understanding is that this violent individual is originally from an area near Yemen, a known hot-bed of anti-American terrorist activity,” the letter said.
“Clearly, this is a grave concern, not only for the people of North Carolina but for our entire nation,” the letter said.
Some background: Gates County is a rural community with a little over 10,000 people, next to the Virginia border, about 50 miles southwest of Norfolk. The Quick Stop gas station where this incident occurred is in a place called Eure, which is just a wide spot in the road on U.S. 13.
Among the many questions raised by this incident is, how is it that the federal government, with its massive law enforcement resources, could not catch this foreign terrorist, but the sheriff’s department in tiny Gates County was able to apprehend him? But what the hell was this guy doing there in the first place? Do you remember, a few weeks ago, when a mob of Eritrean protesters shut down a highway in Charlotte, N.C.? It would seem that the Biden administration has chosen North Carolina as the designated dumping ground for Eritrean “refugees.” WAVY-TV in Norfolk reported that Hagos “had previously lived in Haiti and . . . had been brought into the area by the owner of the Carolina Quick Stop store, where the incident took place, according to the sheriff’s office.” According to the Raleigh News-Observer, Hagos was working at the store:
The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald and WAVY-TV, which first covered the police standoff about a week ago, reported that the sheriff said Hagos recently moved to Gates County from Oakland, California, and had been in the state for six months.
An ICE spokesperson told The News & Observer that Hagos “entered the United States as a nonimmigrant in 2016 and violated terms of admission.”
U.S. Customs and Border Protection issues nonimmigrant visas to foreign nationals who want to enter the U.S. on a temporary basis, according to the agency, for “tourism, medical treatment, business, temporary work, study, or other similar reasons.”
One could easily think of a long list of questions about this — e.g., who is the Quick Stop owner and why did he hire this Eritrean to work there? — but the point is that (a) Eritrea is a fecal depository of a country and (b) we need to elect Donald Trump so he can put a stop to the Biden administration’s dangerous open-borders shenanigans.
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