The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Teenage Tranny’s Incarceration ‘Unconstitutional,’ Lawyer Argues

Victim or victimizer? That’s the essential question facing Connecticut authorities in the case of “Jane Doe,” the 16-year-old transsexual whose violent behavior resulted in her being transferred to an adult prison. The teen tranny’s lawyer is appealing in federal court against what he calls his client’s “unconstitutional transfer”: She has been in DCF custody since […]

The Gay Rights Revenge Movement?

Remember when Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich was fired for donating to California’s Prop 8, which prohibited same-sex marriage? Turns out that there were thousands of people who gave as much as or more than Eich gave, and an MSNBC panelist says gay-rights activists are willing to pursue a campaign of scorched-earth retaliation against them: Here’s […]

Selfish ‘Idealism’

John Hinderaker at Powerline exposes the hypocrisy of hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer, who is willing to spend millions opposing fossil fuel projects like the Keystone XL pipeline. Why? Because Steyer stands to make many more millions in profits from “green energy.” Most environmentalists are just misguided idiots. It takes a greedy capitalist to turn […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 04.21.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Fatal Clash At Ukraine Checkpoint Shreds Easter Sunday Ceasefire Attack by Ukraine paramilitary forces, or provocation by Russian security forces? Dozens Of Suspected Jihadis Killed In Yemen By Drone Strikes Strikes follow AQAP leader’s pledge to fight Pope Francis Prays For Peace In Syria, Ukraine During Easter Address Celebrates […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Ricochet

— compiled by Wombat-socho This just hasn’t been a good month for the Rule 5 posts here at The Other McCain, what with Yr. Humble Linkmongler jetting hither (Minneapolis) and yon (Portland) to see how the joeys are getting along, and in between, the Death March to April 15, which concluded profitably – if tardily […]

Testosterone-Deficient Gamma Male Whines About the ‘Friend Zone’

Chris Tognotti (@ctognotti) offers a lesson in Darwinian selection by the obverse example of How to Fail: Why Don’t Women Like Me Back? On Always Being the Guy Who’s Just a Friend Hello. My name is Christopher Tognotti, and I’m no good with women. This is a slight generalization, perhaps, but that’s how it feels. […]

If Bundy Had Married His Cattle, Lefties’d Celebrate “Diversity” #BundyRanch

by Smitty Stacy had picked up this story a couple of days ago, when the BLM backed down. For now. Per ABC: A group of armed militia and protesters, some sporting nametags reading “domestic terrorist,” remain camped out on a cattle ranch in Nevada, where they have been purportedly defending the property since a tense […]

World’s Youngest Blogger: It’s Around Here Somewhere, I Think

World's Youngest Blogger: This "rising" thing; where might it be? — KnownDomesticTaroist (@smitty_one_each) April 20, 2014 T-shirt says: “If found, please return to mommy”

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