The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

MSNBC’s War on Women: Why Has Network Abandoned Wendy Davis?

Simple answer: Because she’s an embarrassing loser! The liberal journalists at MSNBC have been quite enamored with Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, constantly promoting her Democratic campaign. Yet, a new poll showing her trailing by 14 points has gone unmentioned on the network. Even more interesting, Republican candidate Greg Abbott is beating Davis even among women, 49-41. The […]

New York Times: Not Fit to Line the Cage of Any Self-Respecting Parakeet

What associations of a mass murderer are most important? In the case of the Boston Marathon bombers, the New York Times didn’t seem to think Islamic extremism was very important, but in the case of the Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooter . . . The New York Times resolutely refused to see a pattern […]

For Which He Cannot Be Forgiven

The sordid details of the Doug Phillips sex scandal have so disturbed me that I am tempted to say some very un-Christian things. You might want to go read this article at World Magazine — be sure to read all four pages — which references the fact that last month, Phillips had the effrontery to […]

‘Repeated Requests for Phillips to Stop Masturbating and Ejaculating on Her’

Doug Phillips and his wife Beall (left); Lourdes Torres (right) “This kind of behavior is so bizarre — no matter which version of the story you believe, even if you take Doug’s own version of the story — it’s so bizarre and inappropriate that he needs to get his life in order and not be […]

How @ClaireShipman Ironically Proves Phyllis Schlafly Right About the ‘Pay Gap’

The Left has been going nuts over an argument veteran conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly made about the “pay gap” between men and women. Schlafly referred to the pervasive phenomenon of hypergamy, i.e., “women typically choose a mate (husband or boyfriend) who earns more than she does.” Sociologists would say it is not merely higher income, but […]

Silly Ex-SECDEF Thinks He Has The Right To A Coherent Tax System

by Smitty Mr. Rumsfeld, sir: The dry sarcasm of your recent open letter to the IRS, while exquisite, reveals naïveté about what has happened to our country the last century. This is somewhat ironic, given you spent a good chunk of the last ~50 years shaping those events. We no longer begin with the individual […]

Confetti Bomber: Kooky Art Student Arrested After Boston Marathon

A mentally ill art student was arrested Tuesday at the Boston Marathon after he attempted a hoax on the first anniversary of the deadly bombing at the race. Kevin “Kayvon” Edson, 25, reportedly had a confetti-filled rice cooker in a backpack. Edson was charged with disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and possession of a hoax […]

Police: Florida Teacher Told Boy’s Mother ‘No Regrets’ for Sex With Student, 17

No morals, no conscience, no shame: A 29-year-old English teacher who allegedly had a four-month affair with her underage student and aborted his child, has been charged. Jennifer Christine Fichter was arrested yesterday after allegedly confessing to the 17-year-old boy’s mother that she’d had sex with the teen up to 30 times, loved him and […]

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