The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hateful Bigoted Incestophobes!

Earlier today I was reading The [Un]Documented Mark Steyn, which has many things to say about the West’s heedless descent into degeneracy — wealthy gay men employing surrogate mothers as womb-for-hire baby-makers and so forth — and then I returned to the computer to find that New York State’s highest court has ruled that an […]

“He Was A Very Nice Boy…He Used To Write Science Fiction”

— by Wombat-socho I am speaking, of course, about Neal Stephenson, who after two unsuccessful novels broke out with the wildly successful Snow Crash, a wild tale about hackers, feudal corporatism, an Aleutian with a nuke, and a girl and her dog. He followed that up with the even more complex and fascinating The Diamond […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 10.31.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS FBI’s Most Wanted Fugitive Eric Frein Captured Alive Suspect was armed, but no shots fired Capture of accused cop killer saves Halloween Death penalty sought Russia, Ukraine, EU Reach Gas Deal Moscow agrees not to shut off the heat in Europe this winter Former Boston Mayor Thomas Menino Dead […]

Women’s Studies Major Gets Spanked

Literally. @LoriAdorable is the Twitter handle of a feminist who calls her Tumblr feed “woman-centered anti-oppression analysis”: Lori Adorable started out by taking a different (though hardly avant-garde) approach to being naked on the Internet. She wanted to de-objectify herself as an exhibitionist submissive woman by placing her public displays of sexuality within the context […]

Retro Love For Kaci Hickox

by Smitty “Jaws was never my scene / And I don’t like Star Wars” More at HotAir

Racism, Classism and Catcalling (or, #Feminism Is for Rich White Lesbians)

Time for a little of what feminists call “intersectionality.” A video went viral in which a woman walking on New York City streets is catcalled or subjected to what feminists call “street harassment.” Allahpundit analyzes both the video and the phenomenon in terms of why do men do this? Before we address the particulars of […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 10.30.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Maine Seeking Legal Authority To Keep Hickox Quarantined Jacobson v. Massachusetts. Your “civil rights” argument is invalid. WHO head slams US, Australian Ebola travel curbs Ebola slowing in Liberia? Obama on Ebola fight: US can’t seal itself off Russian Space Agency Resupplies International Space Station Cargo vessel from Kazakhstan […]

Did Pervert @LenaDunham Make Her Younger Sister Grace a Lesbian?

  Kevin Williamson (@KevinNR) is a masterful journalist who knows a thing or two about effective storytelling. Sometimes, as a writer, you don’t want to be the one to connect the dots. Just say, “Oh, look, here’s a dot and there is another dot,” and let your readers form their own conclusions. And so, having […]

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