The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tips For Americans: Take Care Taking Tea To A Brit

by Smitty This is a quick bit of fun, and an excuse to try out Storify: [View the story “Tips For Americans: Take Care Taking Tea To A Brit” on Storify]

The Left Is Unaware Of Its Tribalism?

by Smitty Gallagher at The American Interest: Indeed, one of the chief causes behind the “Peak Left” moment that Walter Russell Mead addressed recently is leftist intellectuals’ inability to recognize that they, too, are a tribe. Somewhere around the ObamaCare cramdown, I started toying with the theory that the Left (at least its Godless Commie […]

Canada Mass Murder: Gunman Kills Eight, Commits Suicide in Edmonton

His life was falling apart, the Daily Mail reports: A crazed gunman killed six people — two of whom were children — then committed suicide in a Canadian town, police believe. The man, thought to be 53-year-old Phu Lam, was found dead after an alleged rampage in which he attacked his victims in two different […]

Lena Dunham, Liar

The headline at the Daily Caller: Gawker Thinks They Found Lena Dunham’s Alleged Rapist … And He’s A Democrat The interesting thing about the Gawker story by J.K. Trotter is that Trotter seems to have the idea that he is vindicating Dunham and discrediting Dunham’s conservative critics. Her published account — which identified a Republican […]

Weird #GamerGate Angle: ‘Emotional Fulfillment Through Love of a Robot’?

What’s the most hateful stereotype of videogamers? That they are losers, retreating into a fantasy world as psychological compensation for their real-life failures. It’s kind of like the stereotype of feminists as ugly women who are angry because men don’t like them. As we view the #GamerGate controversy, then, it’s interesting to see how these […]

Dave Barry Rocks

by Smitty Another righteous outing from the great humorist: DECEMBER … President Obama, moving to fill the Cabinet vacancy created by the resignation of Chuck Hagel, announces — in what is seen as a major shift in military policy — that his new Secretary of Defense will be Chuck Norris. The nomination is swiftly approved […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 12.30.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Indonesia Expands Search For Missing AirAsia Jet Navy sends guided missile destroyer USS Sampson to assist AirAsia’s brash CEO in spotlight after plane disappears Missing plane didn’t have latest tracking technology Is Ebola Here To Stay? Ebola case confirmed in Glasgow Why veterans of past Ebola crises underestimated this […]

Convention Of States: ’15 Surprise Story?

by Smitty Mark Levin, radio talking head: On Thursday, December 4, the Convention of States Project sponsored the breakfast session at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting in Washington, D.C. Convention of States Project legal board member, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, and Constitutional expert, Mark Levin, spoke on behalf of Article V […]

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