The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

From a Ph.D. Dissertation

Posted on | March 20, 2015 | 53 Comments

“We live in a male-supremacist society. Under it,
women are sexually colonized, are treated as
sexual and reproductive chattel. Under it, women
are subjected to a female sexual slavery that is
at the core of patriarchy’s heart of darkness.
Under it, women are subjected to epidemic level
of male violence, male sexual violence and abuse.
It is a rape culture. It is a woman-hating culture.”

Those are the first five sentences of a doctoral dissertation by Pala Molisa, submitted for a Ph.D. in . . . accounting.

Not kidding. At Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Molisa (who is male, by the way) dedicated his Ph.D. dissertation in accounting to Andrea Dworkin and explained his purpose:

[The dissertation] explores how radical feminism could be used to make sense of prostitution and pornography. It explores the potential role that accounting could be playing [in] the globalization of the sexual-exploitation industry. And it explores the implications that radical feminism might hold for re-thinking the theory, research themes, and politics of accounting research. It argues that radical feminism not only holds the key to making sense of pornography and prostitution, it also enables us to radicalize our politics and to deepen the normative visions that would inform and enrich our work. Radical feminist politics is revolutionary politics. It is politics aimed at the abolition of “sex,” the abolition of “gender” itself. The vision they point to is a world without submission and dominance as the organizing principles of social life. The vision they point to is a world whereby it is equality rather than inequality that is eroticized, affirmed, and held as the motivating dynamic behind human desires, and sexual and aesthetic drives. They point to a world without rape. It is my hope that this paper makes a small contribution to creating an accounting literature in which this abolitionist revolutionary politics and this radical vision can have a home, a place, a space.

Dr. Molisa is currently a lecturer at the university.




53 Responses to “From a Ph.D. Dissertation”

  1. Quartermaster
    March 21st, 2015 @ 11:09 pm

    Accounting is not a research area. If they want to offer doctorates something D.Min. would be in order. A PhD is simply silly, as this gut has well proven.

  2. PeterP
    March 22nd, 2015 @ 8:30 am

    He should be castrated.

  3. M. Thompson
    March 22nd, 2015 @ 8:53 am

    He probably has mentally self castrated.

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