In The Mailbox: 06.17.15
— compiled by Wombat-socho I am remiss in failing to note in this past weekend’s FMJRA that last week the Watchers’ Council voted Stacy’s post ‘Mattress Girl’ Emma Sulkowicz Releases Crappy Porn Video With French Title second place in their non-council posts for the week. Thanks to Don Surber for the nomination! OVER THE TRANSOM […]
We Can Haz #PartyLikeIts1992?
Smitty I was doing some gags in the wee hours on Twitter, as one does when the one-year old has a 2AM wake-up: #Trumplebrags “I may have Mini-Cthluhu riding on my head, but I swear I’ve got it under control.” @RiepTide1999 @midnight — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) June 17, 2015 “Over Macho Grande? I’ll *totally* build a […]
Do You Wanna Rock-and-Roll?
In 2014, Lane Moore (@hellolanemoore) became “Sex and Relationships Editor” at Cosmopolitan magazine, which has been giving young women bad advice for decades. When I was in college, I’d go visit girls in their dorms and read their magazines — Cosmo, Glamour, Mademoiselle, whatever — as part of my intelligence-gathering operation. Like, what are girls […]
In The Mailbox: 06.16.15
— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: To All Those Upset Jon Snow And Hillary Clinton Fans Out There Louder With Crowder: Michelle Malkin Blasts Old School Media Doug Powers: Let This Be A Lesson To Reporters Who Don’t Obey The Hillary Campaign’s “Fawning Only” Signs! Twitchy: “Stop Posting This Crap” – Bill Nye’s […]
Feminist Tumblr: Still Crazy
Because I’ve been busy the past week reading Women’s Studies textbooks (including Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions), I haven’t updated you on Lilly the Human Train Wreck. She is the mentally ill feminist Tumblr blogger who filed a federal complaint against her university, which forced her into an alcohol counseling program after she accused a fellow […]
In Defense Of Rachel Dolezal. . .
by Smitty Sure, Instapundit. . . See, lefty social-justice-warrior types always lie. If you don’t have any concept of truth, then it’s really all morally equivalent. But you can’t hold [all lefty social-justice-warriors] responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole. . .system? […]
In The Mailbox: 06.15.15
— compiled by Wombat-socho Not all the way back in the saddle… OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: Are These Truths Self-Evident? Louder With Crowder: Why The Rachel Dolezal Scandal Really Handicaps The Left Michelle Malkin: Why America Hates The GOP-Obamatrade Deal Twitchy: Rachel Dolezal Resigns, But George Wallace Steals Her Thunder RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Showgirls and Other Attractions
— compiled by Wombat-socho This week I’m trying to get back into the blogging saddle, so to speak; you might even see the return of Live at Five tomorrow! For now, insert the usual disclaimer here about being discreet in your clicking, ogle the intro pic of traditional Vegas show girls, and on with the […]
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