Rebutting The Anonymous Lickspittle
by Smitty Let’s be clear, you silly twerp, That your sins are yours alone. Accidents of genes and birth, Should by no means give you groan. Talent’s not a source of hurt, Unless buried, bringing wrath. As the parable makes known, The Lord’s given simple math. Doubling, we must be alert For how we may […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Welcome To Las Vegas
— compiled by Wombat-socho Well, after a week of late-night driving, a busted water pump, and way too many hamburgers, I have arrived in my new home of Las Vegas, where I’m holed up at the Plaza Hotel & Casino until I can sign a lease on something more permanent. Once that happens and all […]
‘We Need to Get Him Off the Internet’
Remember Lilly the Human Train Wreck, the mentally ill feminist Tumblr blogger who filed a federal complaint against her university? She did not like being quoted on my blog: Check it out. He “wrote an article” on me. He victim blames me the entire time. He hates that I am bi. He thinks I’m insane since […]
‘Just an Incredible Amount of Misogyny’
David Pakman (@dpakman) is the kind of Marxist subversive who hates God even more than he hates America. That is to say, he’s a Democrat. The controversial Pakman hosts a weekly radio/TV/podcast affiliated with the Marxist subversive Pacifica Radio network. Last month, Pakman interviewed Mark Potok, a leading official of an infamous anti-American terrorist group, […]
Feminist Tumblr: Human Train Wreck Offers Online ‘Support’ to ‘Survivors’
Maybe somebody should start a Tumblr blog called “Getting S**tfaced Drunk at College Parties Is Probably a Bad Idea,” because that’s the kind of advice Lilly at “Survivor Support” needed before she went to college. However, such advice is what we call “common sense,” and Lilly calls herself a feminist, so what’s the use? Feminists hate […]
FMJRA 2.0: D-Day On The Purple Heart Trail
— compiled by Wombat-socho War on Human Nature: The Celebrity Fantasy Dress-Up With ‘Caitlyn’ Game Da Tech Guy Batshit Crazy News Rotten Chestnuts Dark Brightness Dyspepsia Generation The Camp of the Saints Living In Anglo-America Regular Right Guy A View from the Beach The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Fat Lesbians vs. the ‘Heteronormative Gaze’ Dyspepsia Generation Zipline […]
Her Majesty’s Frontside #LibHorseNames
by Smitty Who can resist horsing around on twitter? #LibHorseNames Village Lotion — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) June 6, 2015 Update: So, American Pharaoh does the triple crown. Meanwhile, in the White House, some dude was all: “Hey, I gave a speech in Cairo once. . .”
Hannan On The Fraternal Nature Of Commies And Nazis
by Smitty The Left is fundamentally dishonest about pretty much everything. So hiding the dirty historical laundry should be less surprising than it is. Watch a masterful summary of this: via Toby Young
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