American Academia Is a Corrupt Racket
Arthur Brooks reports the deliberate and systematic prejudice: This year, a team of scholars from six universities studying ideological diversity in the behavioral sciences published a paper in the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences that details a shocking level of political groupthink in academia. The authors show that for every politically conservative social psychologist in […]
FMJRA 2.0: Ride Across the River
— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Pre-Halloween Pinups Animal Magnetism Politically Incorrect Conservative Ninety Miles from Tyranny A View from the Beach Proof Positive Batshit Crazy News West Hollywood House of Horrors: Radical Lesbian Feminists From Hell The Pirate’s Cove Regular Right Guy A View from the Beach Batshit Crazy News FMJRA 2.0: The […]
Tancredo Rejects the GOoP
by Smitty Tom Tancredo offers the kind of leadership the GOoP needs: The Boehner budget deal is the last straw, and enough is enough. I cannot any longer defend this transparently dishonest charade called the Republican Party. What I will do instead is join the largest political group in the nation, unaffiliated Independents. In Colorado, […]
If These United States Are Exceptional. . .
by Smitty There is a looming domestic test of American exceptionalism. Case in point, the Commerce Department: . . .how Commerce got to that 1.5 percent number is truly amazing. Of the 1.5 percent, 0.45 of a percentage point came from increased health care spending. In other words, mandatory ObamaCare payments caused about one-third of […]
The Queering of Feminism: Why Does ‘Equality’ Require Promoting Perversion?
Boston University’s Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program “fosters interdisciplinary research and teaching related to the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, nationality, and other categories of identity that organize and disorganize our lives.” The director of the program, Associate Professor Carrie Preston, describes her “research and teaching interests include modernist literature, performance, and dance, […]
‘Medical’ Marijuana: There Must Be an Epidemic of Glaucoma in the ‘Hood
Want to read something laugh-out-loud funny? This woman’s account of a guy who bummed a ride home after her local college class is worth a read if you enjoy, uh, authentic urban dialect. The highlight of the story — which occurs in Los Angeles, we can gather — is a visit to a legal “medical […]
Santorum Says Immigration ‘Flooding This Country’ With Low-Wage Workers
Allan Wall calls attention to an exchange in Wednesday’s “undercard” debate in which Rick Santorum discussed the economic impact of immigration on America’s working class: [W]e have the lowest labor participation rate in 50 years and we also have the slowest growth in wages in the history of our country, any 20-year period. In fact, the […]
Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge
by Smitty One last dip in the road separated Korban and his troops from Korbill Tower, highlighted by the moon on the hill. They were far enough up a side valley from River Myzods that the rolling countryside was untouched by disaster. As they passed a copse on the right side of the road, a […]
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