The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

“How’s The Weather, Donald?”
“It’s Raining Knives”

by Smitty Here are the first there paras of a must-read Angelo Codevilla essay over at the Federalist: The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them […]

Did @Nian_Hu ‘Friend-Zone’ You? #FreeStacy: Feminism Is a Death Cult

  Perhaps you remember Harvard feminist Nian Hu, the Harvard student who declared: “I am a feminist. I believe in the equality of the sexes. For me, feminism means freedom,” and that among these freedoms was “freedom to have as many sexual partners as I want without being looked down on.” This inspired me to write […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Disney Girls

— compiled by Wombat-socho Had a serious attack of musical nostalgia last night which caused me to buy and download (among other things) Art Garfunkel’s Breakaway, which among other sentimental tunes includes a cover of the Beach Boys’ Disney Girls. This inspired me to go looking for suitable pics, but considering the horrible fates of […]

The GOPe Fatwah Against @TedCruz Has Me Hoping For A Dewhurst On Tuesday

by Smitty Jeff Sessions of Alabama endorsing Trump? Sessions, what’s more, has decided to back Trump over Cruz, a fellow senator. Sessions has been one of the few in the Senate, even among Republicans, to praise Cruz, and Cruz has been dropping Sessions’ name all over the place in recent days. That Sessions has come […]

#FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up

  The difference between Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) and myself can be summarized, as Da Tech Guy points out, in a single paragraph from Debra Saunders’ column: I reached out to Sarkeesian: no response. I reached out to a woman who tweeted that McCain harassed her friend: no reply. McCain would talk. He noted […]

Fox News Is Corrupt and Unethical

It was never a good idea for conservatives to put all their media eggs in Rupert Murdoch’s basket, and this story about Marco Rubio’s role in the 2013 “Gang of Eight” deal explains why: A few weeks after Senator Marco Rubio joined a bipartisan push for an immigration overhaul in 2013, he arrived alongside Senator […]

FMJRA 2.0: Every Picture Tells A Story

— compiled by Wombat-socho Wow. What a week! The #FreeStacy Story: Why Was My @rsmccain Account Suspended? The DaleyGator Vigilant Liberty Radio Trevor Loudon Noisy Room Shub-Niggurath Climate Dave Alexander & Company Simple Justice First Street Journal The Pirate’s Cove Outside In Hey Steelman! GayPatriot The Political Hat Yid With Lid Trial Of The Century […]

#FreeStacy: Email to My Samoan Lawyer: Taylor Swift Is Decadent and Depraved

  Regular readers know Bert the Samoan Lawyer, an old college buddy of mine who is now one of the leading Asian/Pacific-American attorneys in Alabama. Some people say Bert doesn’t look Samoan, but if Shaun King is black, Bert is Samoan, and he could sue you for saying otherwise. It might even be defamation to call […]

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